Sunday, January 25, 2015



Ephesians 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from Elohim our Father, and from the Master Yahushua Messiah

Last week’s post ended with this comment:

Remember, strongholds are based upon thoughts which combine to form
a belief or a conviction which results in a preprogrammed behavioral response,
a response that has no regard for the will of IAUE.  If we are militant about
casting down any imagination or thought that is contrary to the will of IAUE
(remember, this is a war, so a militant mindset is appropriate), our strongholds
cannot be triggered; and over time, the thoughts upon which those strongholds
were erected will be discovered.  Once they are discovered, we repent of them. 
That is when the stronghold is destroyed.

The Master Yahushua Messiah offered His life as a sacrifice to provide for the possibility of a people whose hearts would be turned toward his Father, IAUE Elohim, in sincere love and obedience.  He had no view to a people who would merely accept a free gift and continue on their self-absorbed way.  The Scripture tells us that it was for the joy that was set before Him that Yahushua endured the shame and the torture of the cross.  The hope of you and I becoming a people whose hearts are wholly given to His Father is what drove our Master to the stake.  How can we not, then, dedicate our lives unto the praise and glory of His grace?

A continuously recurring theme in the New Testament Scriptures is that of the grace of Elohim.  It is impossible to have a kingdom heart if we are resisting the grace of Elohim.  Elohim resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  Thus, we know what disposition of heart must possess the disciple of Yahushua Messiah:  humility

In each of Paul's thirteen epistles, he opened and closed by speaking a blessing of grace upon his reader(s).  Paul was preoccupied with the disciples' need for grace.  He could hardly speak without verbalizing man's need for grace as well as the abundance of Elohim's supply of grace available to the humble.  It appears to be the single most important thing that Paul wanted to communicate to every person who had become a disciple of Messiah.  All of his instruction followed on the heels of his prayer and/or blessing to them to receive the grace of IAUE.

Grace is the power that Elohim gives to do His will.  Without grace, it is impossible to do the will of Elohim.  Man cannot do the will of Elohim by an exercise of his own strength and will.  Such works are works of the flesh, and serve only to strengthen the enemy of Elohim's kingdom.

We have heard it said far too often that grace is “unmerited favor.”  Well, yes, it is unmerited; and it surely demonstrates IAUE’s favor; but that is only an attribute of grace.  It is not the definition of grace.  For example, if you enlist into the armed forces:

  1. You would be given a rifle.  You could say the rifle is unmerited protection; and though that would be true, it would not tell you what the rifle actually is.
  2. You would be given clothing and meals.  You could say your clothing and meals were unmerited provisions, and that would be true; but that would not tell you what your clothing and your meals actually are.
  3. You would be given specific training for your job in the military.  You could say that was unmerited education, and that would be true; but that would not tell you what your training actually was.
Yes, grace is unmerited and it does demonstrate IAUE’s favor; but that is not what it is.  Grace is the POWER of IAUE given to man to enable him to perform the will of IAUE.

We can see from a basic understanding of what grace is that the disciple of Yahushua Messiah is dependent upon it.  It is like air to a man, water to a fish, and space to the stars.  It is the atmosphere that sustains existence.  You know from a study of any war that it is always a primary objective in war to cut off the lines of supply to the enemy forces.  If the supply lines could be interrupted or destroyed, the army that failed to be resupplied became "at risk" due to an inability to sustain ongoing operations. If they did not have food or water, they would die.  If they did not receive fuel, their vehicles could not move.  If they did not receive ammunition, they could no longer defend against an attack or initiate an attack.  Such is the disciple who fails to receive the grace of Elohim; and such is the reason why interrupting the supply of grace is the cardinal objective of the enemy of our souls and of our own corrupt flesh.

We have recently discussed "the works of the flesh" and "the fruit of the spirit" as evidence of which "army" within us is winning the battle for our souls.  The works of the flesh are immediate manifestations of the flesh at work; whereas the fruit of the spirit is produced over time...time spent in our soul's cooperation with the spirit, receiving and responding to the grace of Elohim. These works and fruit will let us know which side is being reinforced, and which side has its supply lines interrupted.

Now we can better understand why Paul begins and ends every letter with a cry for grace to be supplied.  Paul was like a courier in battle, bringing the necessary resupply of fuel and armaments to the front so the battle could continue to be waged and victory could be achieved.

Ephesians 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from Elohim our Father, and from the Master Yahushua Messiah

More than once in this blog, I have discussed “The Lists.”  I have asked that we identify and list 1) anything that is in our life that we know displeases Elohim, 2) anything in our life we would resist giving up or giving away if He required it of us; and 3) anything not currently in our life that if He required adding it to our life, we would resist. The most important of these three lists is the one that identifies our current disobediences; because every single item on this list is evidence of how we resist the grace of Elohim.  These are willful acts of rebellion against the Kingdom of our Master Yahushua Messiah that we permit our heart freely to entertain. These are our self-destructive acts which sabotage our own resupply lines.  It is important that we write down every single sin in our life (and by sin, that does not mean “bad things,” it means everything that is disobedient to the will of IAUE), read them to ourselves many times, and become impressed with the gall that possesses our heart that we would resist and oppose our King. 

Understanding our desperate need for the grace of Elohim, this list should embarrass and shame us as we note the contrast between us and the purity of the lamb of Elohim who resisted disobedience even to the shedding of His blood for us.  Every item on this list is our evidence of how little we honor the Master, and how little we care to have the army of our spirit resupplied with Elohim's grace.

The man or woman who truly is a disciple of Yahushua Messiah will consider his/her list until the conviction of the Spirit lays the axe to the root of pride behind each sin, and then will weep before Elohim in repentance for His tender mercy to forgive, cleanse and release from sin. This does not make us experientially perfect.  It brings an awakened sense of our need for Elohim's grace at all times, and sensitivity to how easily we interfere with its supply.

Ephesians 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from Elohim our Father, and from the Master Yahushua Messiah.

Let me encourage you, today, to ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind the names of at least three people; then pray for these people that they might receive the grace of IAUE? 

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.   

Sunday, January 18, 2015



2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds;) 
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah; 

Last week’s post ended with this comment:

Any time we say "I will never," we immediately reclaim the mastery of our life
away from Messiah; because if we say we will “never,” then we will not obey
Him when he tells us to do otherwise.  With such fortifications programmed
within us, we can never become genuine disciples; because we can never give
ourselves fully to the Master.  We cannot be so yielded to him that he can
control even these protected areas of our life. 

Today, we begin our 61st installment of our “Kingdom Heart” series.  For more than a year we have been striving to “drive home” the concept and the significance of cultivating a heart that does not resist the will of IAUE.  If we were created by IAUE, then IAUE has the right to determine the purpose of our existence.  He has decreed that we are to do His will.  All of our life’s enjoyment both now and in eternity, ultimately, is based upon the measure of our success in fulfilling that purpose, of obeying His will.  It only stands to reason that we should be diligent in driving out anything within us that opposes His will.  Remember the counsel of Solomon?  “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” (Prov 4:23)

Last week, we identified the concept of “strongholds,” as towers of opposition to the will of IAUE erected in our hearts to establish footholds of the flesh, to keep the flesh alive and in power in our lives.  

Rom 6:16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

No man can serve two masters.  If we allow strongholds to be erected and remain in our heart, we will routinely pursue the dictates of the flesh whenever those strongholds assert their dominion over us.  We are the servants of the one we obey.  Said in a different way, if we lend ourselves to follow the dictates of the flesh, then we are under the authority, rule and control of the flesh.  It is our master.

Understand this, and consider it carefully:  If we live our lives predisposed to comply with the “Christian culture” and to do the things we think IAUE wants us to do; but retain the liberty to pursue our own interests whenever that appeals to us, or yield when we are tempted and drawn away by the lusts we have allowed to remain within our hearts, IAUE does not see us as His servant.  He sees us as the servant of the flesh; servants of sin.  If we retain strongholds of stubbornness and resistance to IAUE’s will within us, no matter how much time we may spend obeying the will of IAUE, the flesh knows that it is our master; and that we serve sin unto death rather than obedience unto righteousness.

IAUE requires ALL of us.  The flesh only requires a little of us; because a little is enough for it to be our master.  If we can understand this; then we can understand why Paul refers to this process as warfare. 

2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds;) 

This is a war for the dominion over our lives.  A war is comprised of many battles.  Battles may be won by either side; but the war is only won by one side.  Paul’s counsel in this passage of scripture relates to winning the war; and that begins by engaging weapons that are effective.  If we engage weapons of our own making, they will not enable us to win battles or the war.  Remember, “There is a way that seemeth right to a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.”  Death is the result of yielding our members as servants to the flesh.

Romans 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of IAUE, they are the sons of IAUE.

We should take note of one special difference between the Spirit and the flesh.  The Spirit seeks our eternal good and benefit, understanding that our time spent in the body will not always be marked by good times, pleasant experiences or will be without pain. The Spirit directs us steadily towards Light and Life aware that it often comes at a price to our life’s convenience and circumstances. The flesh seeks only instant gratification.  It has no view to the eternal.  It wants what it wants; and it wants it now.  In the words of an oft-quoted WWII saying, the policy of the flesh is, “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!”  The flesh has absolutely no concern about the consequences to your life; neither socially, nor spiritually.  If the flesh tempts you into an adulterous relationship, for example, it is only to satisfy its craving for that moment.  It has no regard for the possibility it may yield the loss of your marriage, the loss of your family, the loss of your standing in the fellowship, the loss of your job, or even the loss of your freedom.  In fact, we would do well to understand that to entertain the flesh at all is going to result in loss.

One of the aspects of strongholds is that they are almost always horizontally directed.  They are seldom ever erected against IAUE or His Spirit.  They focus on human relationships.  For example, if someone approaches you in obedience to Hebrews 3, and asks you to give an accounting to them of how you are living your life with respect to a certain sin they perceive to be in your life; your first reaction might be to say, “It’s none of your business,” or “Who are you to be asking me that?” or “Don’t try to pull out the splinter in my eye when there is a beam in your own eye.”  All such responses are redirection away from accountability.  A kingdom heart would respond with, “Thank you for bringing this to my attention.  You are truly a loving brother/sister to want to help me walk in obedience to the will of IAUE.  I will seek the Father’s counsel in this matter.  Please pray for me that I will hear correctly and respond well to whatever He instructs me to do.”

The root of all strongholds is a thought process.  It is a program that we have written that is triggered to run whenever that issue is provoked.  Its operation is automatic once the stronghold has been erected.  We can hardly help ourselves from complying with the program once it has been triggered.  We have mentioned in past posts that we have all seen movies where a person is on the verge of losing the love of their life because their behavior has been triggered by a programmed response.  We sit on the edge of our seats yelling at the television or movie screen saying, “Just go to her!  Hurry!”  We don’t want to watch the movie end with unrequited love.  It is such a waste.  All he had to do is get over his foolish self-imposed programmed response. Note, that even in this example, the flesh only wants what it wants right now.  It does not care of the long term loss that satisfying it will produce in our lives. This is only one of a hundred different illustrations that could demonstrate the principle we are discussing.

To win the war, our weapons must be forged in the will of IAUE.  They must be powerful enough to pull down the strongholds the flesh has erected in our hearts.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah; 

It may sound like an oversimplification, but it is not.  The spiritual weapon that brings down the flesh’s strongholds in our life is a mind set on obedience to the Master; and a readiness to exercise dominion over every fleeting and contrary thought. This preparation of heart and mind proceeds from an alliance with the Spirit of IAUE in order to remain obedient to the will of IAUE.

Remember, strongholds are based upon thoughts which combine to form a belief or a conviction which results in a preprogrammed behavioral response…a response that has no regard for the will of IAUE.  If we are militant about casting down any imagination or thought that is contrary to the will of IAUE (remember, this is a war, so a militant mindset is appropriate), our strongholds cannot be triggered; and over time, the thoughts upon which those strongholds were erected will be discovered.  Once they are discovered, we repent of them.  That is when the stronghold is destroyed.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.   

Sunday, January 11, 2015



2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds;) 
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah; 

Last week’s post ended with this comment:

   The fact we even consider the flesh lets us know that we have
   stepped out of the Spirit; because when we are walking in the
   Spirit, our affections and lusts ARE crucified.

Last week we described the flesh as a frozen wasteland where everything within it, including the weather, will kill us; but it is the only place where we can do what we want to do, make our own decisions and be the master of our own life.  The cozy lodge, standing out of the midst of this frozen wasteland, was the realm of the Spirit where we could enjoy fellowship with IAUE and Yahushua and with other disciples; where we did not need to concern ourselves with the hardship of the cold or an attack by wild animals, where all our needs were met; and where we attended to everything the Master of the lodge directed us to do. 

Rationally evaluated, no one would ever be sensible in returning to the snow and ice and the harsh reality of death working all around us; but then one of the points we have been making over the past few weeks is that it is not clear thinking that causes us to walk in the flesh.  It is the thinking of “unrenewed” minds that keeps us returning to this arena of death and destruction.

The flesh, in its affections and lusts, has no regard for the righteousness of Elohim.  Elohim is not a part of its world.  The flesh cares nothing for the character traits of sanctified living:  love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.  It is foreign to any thought of humility and brokenness.  The flesh is purely selfish; and all that proceeds from the flesh is concerned only with its own works.  The flesh is also focused on immediate gratification.  It does not provide us with a view to its long-term consequences.  It just wants what it wants right now…like a spoiled brat.  Even when the flesh offers to act patiently or to appear to be humble, meek or repentant, it is only manipulating its environment to serve its own purposes.  The flesh can NEVER be trusted to do the will of Elohim out of love or selflessness.  That is not in its skill set. The flesh and the Spirit…the will of Elohim, are sworn enemies; and when we choose to walk in the flesh, we side with the enemy of IAUE. 

The moment we begin to entertain the benefits perceived to be associated with the affections and lusts of the flesh; we are standing outside the lodge on the front porch. We have not yet leaped out into the snow; nor do we enjoy the protection of the lodge.  We are in a very tenuous state; and it is in that moment we must make a choice.  It is imperative to understand that we DO make a choice.  The choice has not been made for us; nor are we without the ability to decide.  Many feel that when the flesh comes knocking at their door, they must answer and go away with him.  That is not true.  It is a lie that the flesh presents to make you think you cannot choose.

The apostle Paul tells us that the flesh is the enemy of IAUE.  It is at war with Him.  It recognizes Elohim as the denier of all that satisfies its lusts.  The flesh does not seek to please Elohim, for it is incapable of pleasing Him.  (Romans 8:5-8)

This is the true nature of the flesh; and yet, we still find ourselves loving the flesh, choosing it over the spirit.  Why?  It is because we do such a poor job of renewing our minds.  Paul commanded us as the apostle of the Master Yahushua Messiah, to be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of the mind.  He did not say that it would be easy; but then it isn't easy for a caterpillar to break free of the cocoon to become TRANSFORMED into a butterfly.  There is an "order of magnitude" higher kind of life to which we have been called, and we cannot attain it if we do not attend to the renewing of the mind.

Our minds often lobby for disobedience against the will of IAUE.  Our thoughts run counter to the will of Elohim, because our thought processes are worldly, fleshly.  We do not think and reason with the mind of Messiah.  The flesh IS at war with Elohim; and the battlefield where the war is waged is the mind.  If our mind is not renewed to think with the mind of think with the thoughts of Elohim, our mind will think like the world and will appoint our will to choose disobedience to the will of Elohim.  It is really that simple.  Let us look at a couple of examples.

1.  IAUE has indicated that He wants me to go to a particular restaurant for lunch.  My mind recognizes that it is a Mexican restaurant and I am not in the mood for Mexican food.  I choose, instead, to go to a steak restaurant for lunch.  The person at the Mexican restaurant that IAUE had prepared to hear and respond to my testimony will not be hearing it, today, because in my disobedience, I chose to go to a different restaurant.

2.  As I prepare to go to bed, I perceive that Elohim wants me to arise early in the morning.  He instructs me to awaken at 5:00 A.M. and spend time with Him.  I set my alarm for 5:00 A.M., then go to sleep.  At 5:00 A.M., the alarm clock awakens me.  I make the conscious choice to reset the alarm for 7:00 A.M., and go back to sleep to get two more much-needed hours of sleep.  At 7:00 A.M., I get out of bed, but have no time for bible study or prayer.  I have missed out on the things Elohim wanted to reveal to me, and I have no particular guidance for my day.  Why is this?  It is because I disobeyed Elohim; because my flesh wanted more rest.

These are just two common illustrations that demonstrate how the flesh, almost subconsciously, controls our lives leaving us hardly aware of or own disobedience. 

2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

We should never allow our enemy to dictate the "rules of engagement."  If we allow our enemy to define for us how we shall make war, we have already lost.

Over 40 years ago, a well-known comedian performed a routine called "Toss of the Coin."  In it he showed what it might be like if battle scenarios were determined by the winner of a coin toss.  He imagined a coin toss between the colonial settlers and the British army.  The settlers won the toss and set forth the following rules:  The settlers could wear whatever they want. They could hide behind rocks and trees and could fire at will.  The British had to wear bright red uniforms and march in a straight line.

Whoever is able to set the rules of engagement will surely define them in a way that insures their victory.  The flesh is committed to setting the rules of engagement, especially when we are not even aware that is what it is doing. Paul understood this and declared that despite the fact we have to continue our time on this earth within "earthen vessels" of flesh, we do not make our combat in the same way that the flesh makes its combat. 

2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds;)

In this verse we discover some valuable insights.  First, we have weapons for this war that are effective against the flesh.  Second, those weapons are empowered by Elohim Himself.  Third, their objective is to pull down strongholds.

This is probably not the way we would have thought of the flesh as an enemy...that we should combat it by targeting "strongholds."  (Gk: ochuroma - fortress, castle, fortification)  However, if we consider it for a moment, it becomes evident that the flesh would protect its vulnerability by building walls behind which to hide.

Where are those walls built?  Like any enemy, the flesh tries to infiltrate its opponent and establish sympathizers wherever it can, in order to undermine its enemy's war effort.  The flesh builds its walls in the mind and in the heart.  The walls in the mind are the thought processes we possess that run counter to the mind of Messiah; our reasoning and systems of thought by which we evaluate any given thing.  The walls in the heart are the fortifications we have erected to protect our hearts from further emotional wounding, the pain of rejection, and the loss of control.  By effectively establishing these fortresses in the heart, the flesh denies us accurate perception of the will of Elohim; because it is through the heart that we receive guidance from the Master.  Should the walls in our heart fail to accomplish their objective; and we do actually perceive/hear the will of Elohim, the second line of defense (a mind that thinks contrary to Elohim's ways) "lobbies" the will to disobey.

2 Corinthians 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah;

Here, we see identified what the flesh uses to build its strongholds: “imaginations” that are allowed to run freely without the constraints of the wisdom of IAUE.  They erect "high things" (strongholds) that are set in opposition to the knowledge of Elohim.  All human philosophies are high things built upon imaginations that run counter to the will of IAUE.  All internally-erected “policies” based upon our reactions to events in life are high things.  The flesh absolutely revels in helping us to react to unpleasant life-events; because through them, the flesh builds these strongholds and maintains its footing even in the life of would-be disciples.  For example:
Bill begins to date Jane.  The two become very close and emotional attachments are made.  Bill can see Jane as “the one,” and begins to plan his life around her becoming his wife, when Jane announces that she is leaving for someone else.  Bill is deeply wounded emotionally.  After having been so hurt by the broken relationship, his imagination runs wild, and by them he decides that he is never going to allow himself to get that close to anyone again.  Bill’s own will has established a “policy” that was determined without consideration for the will of IAUE.  It has become a “high thing” exalting itself against the knowledge of IAUE.  If the knowledge of IAUE had been considered, his thoughts could not have gotten very far in developing this programming.

Bill has erected a wall, a stronghold in his heart.  This fortress will affect all of his future relationships, preventing him from being able to hear and obey the will of Elohim in those relationships.

We make many such wall-building declarations, like Bill:

    "I will never be like my father." 
    "I will never spank my children like my parents spanked me." 
    "I will never allow people to hurt me again."
    “I will never trust him/her again.”

Any time we say "I will never," we immediately reclaim the mastery of our life away from Messiah; because if we say we will “never,” then we will not obey Him when he tells us to do otherwise.  With such fortifications programmed within us, we can never become genuine disciples; because we can never give ourselves fully to the Master.  We cannot be so yielded to him that he can control even these protected areas of our life.  Can you see how such fortifications are effective methods of warfare for the flesh to protect its interests?

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.   

Sunday, January 4, 2015



Galatians 5:24  And they that are Messiah's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Last week’s post ended with this comment:

We do not accept Yahushua into our
hearts and lives; he accepts us into his. 

The difference this makes in the mind of the believer is life changing.  If we think of our having accepted Messiah, then we bring him into our lives, and we endeavor to accommodate him somewhat, while expecting him to bless us in every aspect of the life that our flesh wants to live.  If we perceive of him having accepted us into his life; then we can bring no rules or regulations or even personal preferences into that relationship.  He is in total control of our life and destiny.  He has welcomed us into his life, and it is our job to “get with the program,” and learn how to live the way he instructs us to live.

Imagine for a moment that you live in far north Alaska…or maybe the frozen tundra of Siberia.  The landscape is bleak, and everything out there, the wolves, the bears, the tigers, the leopards, and the weather will kill you at the first opportunity.  Everything you see for miles and miles is snow-covered.  What you must do in order to survive is constantly on your mind.

In the midst of this intolerably harsh environment you come upon a man who tells you to follow him.  He leads you in this remote wilderness to a large log cabin lodge. He invites you to come inside.  As the front door closes behind you, your gaze is filled with groups of people sitting in separate areas all across the main floor, smiles on their faces, hot chocolate in their hands, and cheerful conversation taking place.  Clearly, they are enjoying themselves without a single thought of the harsh wintry abyss outside the walls of the lodge. A central fireplace keeps the entire building warm and cozy.

The man introduces you to his father, who says: 

“Hello, and welcome to the lodge. I am the master of the lodge.  We have a room reserved for you.  In it are all the basic necessities.  We have breakfast at 7:00 AM, lunch at noon, and supper at 6:00 PM.  You will be expected to attend all mealtimes.  We have two simple rules, here.  Rule #1 – Everyone shares in the upkeep of the lodge, from dusting, to vacuuming, to doing the laundry, to helping in the kitchen.  Everyone rotates through each of these chores, and the duty roster is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway.  Rule #2 – I am the Master of the Lodge, and it is my responsibility to maintain order and control of the lodge; therefore, you must do whatever I ask you to do at any time.  These two rules are inviolate.  If at any time you decide you cannot abide by these rules, you are always welcome to leave the lodge.  If you persist in violating these rules, seeking your own interests rather than the interests of the lodge, you may be put out of the lodge.  Do you understand?”

Your first reaction to this introduction is, “No problem, man.  Do you know what it is like out there??”  For the next week or two, you give yourself wholly to the lodge.  You meet new friends.  The food is excellent; and the chores are not a burden.  Also, the things the Master of the Lodge has asked of you have not been unreasonable.  It does not take long, however, before you realize there are days when you would like to sleep in and miss the 7:00 AM breakfast.  You also never liked dusting when you were growing up doing chores as a child at home; and you still don’t like it.  You hate doing laundry; and there are a couple of people in the lodge who are so exceedingly happy and cheerful all the time that they drive you insane. 

You begin to consider, on the outside of the lodge at least I could decide when I would wake up, when I would eat; and I only did whatever chores were absolutely necessary.  You remember what it was like having control over your own life.  It seems, as you recall, that it was a good thing; and though life is a bit harsh on the outside, at least you could live it how you wanted; so, you gather your supplies and slip outside.

Ahh, the freedom you feel being your own master again…being able to make your own choices, doing whatever you want to do, when you want to do it.  The problem is, every choice you make for yourself proves to be the wrong choice; and everything out there still wants to kill you at the first opportunity. Once again, you constantly are having to think about how to stay alive.

This is a picture of the choice between walking in the Spirit versus walking in the flesh.  Walking in the Spirit, though representing a complete loss of control over your life, is a life where all of your needs are provided and your life is cared for not only by the Master of the lodge; but by the others who are residing there.  You give no thought to the need to survive.  Every action, every decision and every task in the lodge has only your best interests at heart.  Walking in the flesh represents maintaining total control of your own life; but your every decision is self-destructive; and everything in your environment wants you dead.

Hebrew 2:14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;
15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

The young man who left the lodge to go out into the frozen wilderness, to seek for you and bring you to the lodge was Yahushua.  He entered that realm that was under the control of death, where the fear of death holds men in bondage.  The only escape from the fear of death is walking in the Spirit…abiding in the lodge.

Galatians 5:24  And they that are Messiah's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

I have met hundreds of believers over the past forty years who were totally frustrated with this verse.  Though they have dedicated their lives to Yahushua, they have never found the kind of freedom from the flesh that this verse suggests is expected of all who follow Messiah.  Two explanations for this immediately come to mind.

First, virtually every person I have ever known who professed Yahushua as their Messiah came into relationship with Him through what we have called an "epistle-based" gospel (which is not a gospel, according to the apostle Paul).  20th-century evangelism has focused on directing people to "accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior."  This is a grave error in evangelism, as Yahushua Himself commanded that REPENTANCE and remission of sins should be preached in His name.  As I stated above, accepting him into our lives does not require a change of mastery in our lives.  We retain the control. The Gospel of the Kingdom, however, requires those who would come to Messiah to lay down their lives, forsaking their sins their past and their future to take up the life and mastery of Yahushua Messiah. 

Secondly, it is important to understand this verse in the context of Paul’s letter to the Galatians.  Preceding this verse was a demonstration of what we can expect from the flesh versus what we can expect from the spirit.  The works of the flesh itemized by Paul was a list of deeds that are universally identified as unacceptable forms of behavior.  Walking in the Spirit was revealed to be the means of escape from the flesh and the works the flesh produces.  The list of the “fruit of the Spirit” itemizes attributes that are borne of selfless submission and obedience to the will of IAUE; but more importantly, in the Spirit, we ARE crucified with Messiah; and our affections and lust are no longer a part of the man we have become in Messiah.  When Paul said that those belonging to Messiah have  crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts, he was not saying that we have made the difficult choice of abandoning our fleshly nature.  He was saying that in the Spirit, we are no longer that person.  Fleshly lusts and affections are not a function of the man we are when we are walking in the Spirit.

When a person’s life demonstrates a mixture of the deeds of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit, it reveals that he spends time both inside and outside of the lodge.  Living and coping in the world with its corruptible lusts requires a hardness of heart and mind.  To survive in the world, one must be selfish because the fear of death is constantly looming overhead reinforcing all the issues of self-preservation; and with that selfishness comes pride, envy, jealousy, impurity, etc.  These attributes are in conflict with what the Spirit desires to produce in us and maintains chaos in our lives and jeopardizes our eternity.  The Master of the lodge, in our illustration above, informed the new guest that persistent disobedience to the rules could result in his being removed from the lodge.

Galatians 5:21 of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of IAUE.

Theologians have for centuries tried to bend and twist the meaning and application of this verse; but the plain and simple truth is, if we choose to live our lives in the frozen tundra of the flesh, we have no place in the Kingdom of IAUE.  It is really quite simple.  Life in the frozen wilderness produces the wrong kind of heart in man.  Life in the lodge produces the Master’s objective, a kingdom heart.

Paul provided in one sentence, the key to recognizing where we trip up most of the time.

Galatians 5:26  Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

Pride.  Elohim resists the proud, but He gives grace to the humble.  We should recognize our natural proclivity for "vain glory."  The whole world is focused on self-image and self-worth, because the very essence of the flesh is “self.”  This verse serves as a warning for us, letting us know what, more than anything else, draws us away from walking in the spirit.  In the moment we entertain a thought to say or to do something in order to influence the way others will think about us, we are standing outside on the front porch of the lodge.  That is the moment in which we should go back inside and slam the door shut to remain in the security of the Spirit.  In that instance when we consider saying or doing something we know the Master has forbidden, we are in a precarious place; and we need to reaffirm who is our Master.  The fact we even consider the flesh lets us know that we have stepped out of the Spirit; because when we are walking in the Spirit, our affections and lusts ARE crucified.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.