Sunday, July 26, 2015




1 Corinthians 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Master.
6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same Elohim which worketh all in all.

Last week, we concluded with this thought:

     The distribution of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is made on the basis of each member’s role
     in the Body of Messiah; such that each member providing to the Body what he/she has
     been given causes increase and benefit to the Body…We cannot afford to get bogged down
     in jealousy of others who have more glamorous giftings…There would be no glamour without
     the functioning of the unglamorous.  What does it matter who does what as long as the will of
     IAUE is obeyed and His kingdom is advanced?

There is not a single topic or book we can study in the Scriptures that should be studied apart from its application to the fundamental purpose of man…to do the will of IAUE.  Until we establish that purpose upon our heart and mind, until it functions as our morning alarm clock, our dinner bell, our reason for social gatherings, our short-term and our long-term goals in life, we will fail in our every endeavor to be a genuine disciple.  In our 4th lesson of this blog (posted on 5/19/13), we discussed “The First Lesson in Discipleship;” and that was to take our yoke upon us and learn of the Master, for he is meek and lowly in heart.  That is the description of a servant who is in humble submission to the authority who is over him…one who is quick to listen and quicker to obey his Master.  It is one who has relegated his entire life over to do the will of another.  Genuine discipleship does not even begin until we recognize and embrace this truth.  Thus the very purpose of our existence is obedience to the will of IAUE.  This is our principle function, our objective in living each day; and the source of our chiefest joy.

When we begin to consider what WE want, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life take over and corrupt and contaminate absolutely everything we think and/or do.  This even includes our study of Scripture and how we understand the Scriptures.  Consider the contemporary TV ministers who continuously twist the Scriptures to create a world in which “God has a wonderful plan for your life,” in which “He wants you to prosper in everything you do.”  They virtually make personal prosperity an evidence of how faithful you are to IAUE.  IAUE does NOT have a wonderful plan for your life.  No, instead, IAUE has a wonderful plan.  Our life is to fit into it and to participate in its fulfilment.  That does not mean we will end up with better jobs, better clothes, better cars, or a personal jet to fly us anywhere we want to go.  It does mean, however, that we will be honored of the Master Yahushua Messiah and of his (and our) Father, IAUE Elohim with the privilege of receiving and manifesting the Spirit of IAUE in the earth unto the benefit of everyone around us.

If the false prosperity gospel ceased being preached and was replaced with the command to repent and be converted from living for yourself to begin living in obedience to the will of IAUE, the church would not be so filled with selfish and immature men and women reveling in the satisfaction of their own flesh.  Instead, they would be reveling in the glory of IAUE; and their hearts would be full of love and gratitude for the Master Yahushua who made this life possible. They would also be able more clearly to see they are members of a body; and they have their own role and purpose within that body; a role and purpose defined by the will of IAUE.

 1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

The manifestation of the Spirit is NOT given to every man in order for him to make a profit. This English word “profit” is an unfortunate translation of the Greek word “symphero.”  This word means “to bear together,” or “to share in carrying a burden.”  It exactly expresses that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to each of us for the purpose of enabling us to do our part in the overall function of the Body of Messiah.  If we are a foot, the manifestation of the Spirit enables us to function as a foot.  If we are a hand; it enables us to function as a hand.  “If we are a mouth; it enables us to function as a mouth.  When we are each enabled to fulfil our designated role, the whole Body is able to move and function and do the will of IAUE.

1 Corinthians 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Messiah.

It is critical for a proper understanding and appreciation of our study of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we first understand the elements we have laid as a foundation.

  1. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifestations of the Holy Spirit.  They manifest Him.  They aren’t super powers to make you look good or impressive, or to help you climb the ladder of spiritual recognition.  They are not for us.  They are for fulfilling the will of IAUE in the earth.

  2. The “Holy Spirit” is not a name.  “Holy” is an adjective describing the most important attribute of the spirit of IAUE.  IAUE’s spirit is pure, chaste and righteous like a cauterizing fire that obliterates every impure and sinful thing in its path.  For Him to manifest Himself in our lives, we must not put impurity and sin in His path.

  3. For the gifts of the spirit of IAUE to have their proper benefit both to the Body of Messiah and to others who are intended to be affected by them, the disciple must express them through love and not with any selfish intention.

  4. The holy Spirit is a GIFT from IAUE.  The entire plan of redemption, the sending and the sacrificing of His own son, the resurrection of Messiah from the dead, was largely for the purpose of being able to qualify man to become recipients of the indwelling presence of IAUE’s own spirit. It is imperative that we try to grasp the enormity of this overwhelming gift…to try to comprehend WHO it is that resides in our body, now.  Most of Christendom takes the Holy Spirit for granted, a doctrinal reality.  It is IAUE’s spirit placed within man.

  5. The manifestation of the spirit of IAUE is given to each of us in order to precisely carry out and obey the will of IAUE, and thereby to carry our own weight in the Body of Messiah.  We must be focused on our obedience to IAUE and not upon the attention others are receiving from man because of the gloriousness of the way the spirit has chosen to manifest through the lives of our brothers and sisters in the Body.
This brings us to the real beginning of our study of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

The first thing, and this is almost always overlooked or misrepresented by those who teach on the gifts of the Spirit, is this word “gifts.”  The Greek word is “charisma.”  It is where the term “charismatic” is derived.  Literally, this word means, “enablement of grace.”  Contemporary teachers would have you believe this means that they are unmerited gifts, freely given to us by the Father.  Though they be unmerited and freely given, that is not what this word means.  Grace is the power IAUE gives to man that enables man to do His will.  Without grace, man is incapable of doing the will of IAUE.  He may go through the motions.  He may actually accomplish the actual tasks; but it will be a work of man’s flesh; and the Scripture clearly teaches that nothing of the flesh pleases IAUE for it is at enmity with IAUE.  The flesh cannot do IAUE’s will. Only grace working upon and through man can enable man to do the will of IAUE untainted by the flesh.  Thus, when we look at these manifestations of IAUE’s spirit in our lives; we must understand that they are specific and special enablements of IAUE’s grace having as their sole objective, the performance of His will.

There are “diversities” of gifts (different enablements); but the same Spirit.  Though they be quite different from each other, they are just different aspects of the same Spirit.  It is not unlike the story of the six blind men trying to describe an elephant.  The one touching his tail said it was like a rope.  The one touching its leg said it was like a pillar.  The one touching its ear said it was like a fan.  The one touching its trunk said it was like a tree branch. The one touching its tusk said it was like a pipe; and the one touching its side said it was like a wall.  All six were correct; but not one person’s perspective captured the totality of the elephant.  So it is with the spirit of IAUE. There are at least nine different ways in which IAUE’s spirit is manifested; and each one is given for one purpose: to do the will of IAUE.

1 Corinthians 12:5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Master.

Within the scope of the manifestation of the spirit of IAUE in at least these nine different ways, there are different ways in which our Master, Yahushua Messiah, will engage them in our lives for the roles we are designated to fulfil in His body.  In the physical body, we have a digestive system, a skeletal system, a cardiovascular system, a muscular system, an endocrine system, a nervous system, a respiratory system, an immune system and a reproductive system. Our muscles are found throughout the body in many shapes and sizes, strengths and purposes. They work together to protect and give motion to the skeletal system as well as protect and enable many of the body’s organs to function properly.  Our blood travels through and touches many parts of our body.  It picks up oxygen through our respiratory system and delivers oxygen to the whole body and works in tandem with our immune system to ward off sickness and disease.  Each of our body’s systems has their own designated function; but they also each work to help the function of every other system in the body. The muscles that lift the arm are different in their “ministry” to the muscles that move the toes in the foot.  Same gift.  Different ministry.

A single gift of the Spirit may be found to be used in many different capacities throughout the Body of Messiah.  It may be exercised by a prophet as well as a janitor; a pastor as well as a cook.  Just because one has the gift of faith does not mean he/she will emerge in a public ministry.  That gift may function undetected by many within the general ranks of the Body.  We are given enablements of grace to do the Father’s will; and our Master Yahushua orchestrates how and where they are to function within his Body.

Everyone in the church is racing around trying to find out what their ministry is.  The answer to that driving question is:  humble obedience to the will of IAUE.  You are in a yoke.  Behave accordingly.

1 Corinthians 12:6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same Elohim which worketh all in all.

The gifts have different “operations.” This is an interesting term.  It is “energeo,” and it means “effects,” or “workings.”  In other words, the gifts work in different ways.  They manifest in different ways. For example, Yahushua healed people by laying his hands on them, spitting on the ground and making mud to place on blind eyes, speaking commands to be healed, etc.  With Peter, people needed only to be on the street and allow his shadow to move across them when he walked by.  All of these produced healings but they were accomplished in quite a variety of different ways.  IAUE is the one who decides HOW the effect is to be rendered; and this requires the disciple to listen to His voice and be obedient to Him.

As we take up each of the nine gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12, we will also see different ways these gifts are placed within the Body and how the Father causes them to work within His children.  It is going to be a fascinating adventure; but please do not lose sight of the fact we are ultimately studying a subject to learn how better we may accomplish the will of IAUE.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

Sunday, July 19, 2015




1 Corinthians 12:15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

Last week, we concluded with this thought:

    How can we not fear when we contemplate the gift of IAUE?  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit
    of IAUE.  IAUE has indwelled us with Himself, through the agency of His own Spirit. His
    Spirit is “holy”, which means “so pure and chaste as to invoke reverence or veneration
    out of fear produced by or awareness of the contrast of His nature versus our nature.”

I have been a new creature in Messiah for nearly 45 years.  I have been a grateful recipient of the “Gift of the Holy Spirit” for 43 of those years.  I have experienced all nine of the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit repeatedly during that time. I know from an abundance of personal experience that, despite the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements that have worked to restore the active ministry of the Holy Spirit in the church throughout the 20th century, for the most part, the church is still ill prepared to receive the Spirit of IAUE. It is for this reason, we have not just “jumped in” to a study of each of the named gifts of the Holy Spirit. A proper foundation has been needed in order to make a difference in the resulting experience of those who read this blog.

We began this blog by recognizing the need to honor IAUE Elohim and the Master Yahushua Messiah, by their correct names and titles rather than to continue to use the names and titles that are of demonic origins which are so popular in the Christian world, today.  We established the truth of the Scriptural claim that the Fear of IAUE is both the beginning of wisdom and the beginning of knowledge.  Then we spent the better part of a year defining the attributes of a “Kingdom Heart,” and recognizing that the divine purpose of our creation is simply to do the will of IAUE.  The contemporary Christian church possesses none of this.  These truths, values and virtues are, for the most part, not taught, not preached, not experienced, and not sought by contemporary Christianity.  It is little wonder, therefore, that when believers, today, receive the Holy Spirit, that the application of His manifestation in their lives tends to be for acquiring gain… gain in climbing the church’s spiritual ladder, gain in the estimation of their fellow brothers and sisters; and gain in their wallets as they merchandise their gifts from church to church and conference to conference to make a living off of the gawking masses who are willing to pay to see a good act.

I stated in the last post, “If we do not possess the fear of IAUE, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives will become subjected to human pride and ego, rendering the gifts of no profit to the church or to the world around us.”  I ask you, when, aside from perhaps Kathryn Kuhlman, have you ever witnessed a “Spirit-filled” minister in such fear of IAUE and honor of His Holy Spirit that the prospect of saying the wrong word or doing the wrong thing literally subjected them to terror?  The church treats the Holy Spirit as a parlor trick more than the living breathing Spirit of the living IAUE Elohim.  He is treated as something to be used for personal gain, just like Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8, who wanted the ability to bestow the Spirit upon whomsoever he wished.

The prospect of mishandling the Gift of IAUE does not even occur to the church, today. Men and women create “prophetic words” in order to get more money in the offering plate.  They push people backwards in a prayer line in order to make it appear they are succumbing to the intense anointing of the Holy Spirit in order to impress the audience/congregation that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is upon them. They affect their speech with groans and they shake their arms and legs in a way so as to suggest that the power of the Holy Spirit is all over them. They burst out in a blast of speaking in tongues as if to suggest not doing so would cause them to explode because of how great is the stirring of the Holy Spirit is within them.  All the while, the church is just eating up the act and sitting in stupefied wonder, the same wonder a child expresses when someone produces a quarter from behind their ear. 

I attended a church, once, where the minister of music had a very responsive organist and choir.  During the “praise and worship service,” the music minister moved from song to song until he found the one that got the effect from the congregation he desired.  He then repeated the chorus, did key changes, repeated more choruses, all the while watching the congregation become emotionally charged.  Finally, a young man, I would guess to be about 17 years of age, began marching mechanically across the front of the church making grunting noises like an animal.  The music minister, the choir, the pastor, the congregation, all of them thought this young man was in the throes of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  I was astonished.  Being a visitor in the church, I did not want to draw attention to myself, so I looked at this young man from where I was sitting near the back of the church, and whispered, “Shut up and come out of him, now.”  The demon left the boy instantly, and he literally collapsed to the ground.  No one in the church even had a clue what had happened.

In another church, there was a move of the Holy Spirit in the service, and several people spoke “prophetic words.”  I, too, spoke aloud a message given by the Holy Spirit.  After the service, I was walking out with one of the leaders of the church who said to me, “Man! The Spirit really spoke to us, today!”  To which I responded, “Really?  What did He say?”  This church leader looked at me with a dumbfounded expression and could not answer the question.  To him, the experience was the objective.  What the Spirit said took a back seat to the emotional experience of simply witnessing the gifts of the Spirit in operation.   

I know of another church where, no matter what happens within the fellowship or the worship service, the pastor’s wife ALWAYS finds the opportunity to speak out a “prophetic word” during the service, endeavoring to maintain her sense of self-worth, and her significance and the respect of the church.  It does not matter that she makes up every word she speaks.

Why do these things happen over and over again?  One obvious reason is because there is no fear of IAUE in the church, resulting in no appreciation for the nature of His gift to us.  Another reason is the lack of awareness that we are parts and members of a single body…the body of Messiah.

1 Corinthians 12:11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man individually as he will.
12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Messiah.

The distribution of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is made on the basis of each member’s role in the Body of Messiah; such that each member providing to the Body what he/she has been given causes increase and benefit to the Body.  Congregational Christianity makes this impossible to be realized because it dissects the Body of Messiah.  Consider this. In some cities, you can find two, even three churches located on the same street corner.  Facing each other at that intersection may a Baptist church, a Methodist Church and maybe an independent charismatic fellowship.  Or it might be a Pentecostal church, an Assembly of God church, and a Seventh Day Adventist church (whose congregation is not even there on Sunday morning).  If the role the Father has given to a member of one of those churches is actually to members of the Body of Messiah who are attending one of the other churches, his/her function to the Body is wasted.  They are useless. 

It is the height of pride to think that the members of one congregation are gifted by the Holy Spirit for the express purpose of exclusively benefiting their own congregation. At what time did the Father of Creation recognize any one congregation as the Body of Messiah in the earth?  Until we understand that we are members of the Body, and not members of a congregation, the purpose of the manifestations of the Holy Spirit will not be realized. They will remain in the realm of parlor tricks and the manipulation of the congregation. (Do not think that I am suggesting that all who minister in the gifts of the Holy Spirit have prideful or self-serving motives.  What I am saying is that their motives are irrelevant until the expression of those gifts is made within the roles bestowed upon the individual relative to his/her function in the Body of Messiah, and not to the congregation where the individual holds membership.)

1 Corinthians 12:15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
Look at your foot.  Look at your hand.  They do not look like each other.  They are found at different places in your body.  They have different functions; and without the proper functioning of one, the function of the other is jeopardized; and yet, the church fusses and complains that they are just a foot; and they want to be a hand.  They do not realize that the hand is not really all that great a body part without the foot.  The glory attributed to the hand is, in part, caused by what the foot contributes to the Body, so that the whole body receives the glory of what the hand does. 

We cannot benefit from a study of the gifts of the Holy Spirit until we realize we are connected to something much larger and much greater than a local congregation…a structure that by its very definition is NOT the Body, but rather, interferes with the formation and function of the Body. The members of the Body must recognize that IAUE personally placed them in the Body as He chose to do so; and He has equipped each member for the role they are to play as members of the Body of Messiah.

Remember, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not about us.  They are about IAUE; and our purpose as a new creature in Messiah Yahushua is to do the will of IAUE.  We cannot afford to get bogged down in jealousy of others who have more glamorous giftings.  There would be no glamour without the functioning of the unglamorous.  What does it matter who does what as long as the will of IAUE is obeyed and His kingdom is advanced?

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

Sunday, July 12, 2015




Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yahushua Messiah for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Last week, we concluded with this thought:

The gifts are not about us.  They are about IAUE.

It is critical to our discipleship to Yahushua and to our obedience to the will of IAUE that we truly understand the agency of the Holy Spirit in the life of a disciple. What is His function in our lives, and what is the timing of the exercise of His function in our life? Without this understanding, a detailed study of the gifts of the Holy Spirit will not produce the proper response. Too many denominations and sects of believers have been taught and have believed that when they “prayed to receive” the Master Yahushua, they received the Holy Spirit in response to that prayer.  Subsequently, they essentially ignore the Holy Spirit for the rest of their lives, assuming He is already at work within them.  In our opening lesson in this study, the Scriptures spoke for themselves revealing that receiving the Holy Spirit was not a function of the new birth.

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Yahushua Messiah for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached the first message of the “church age.”  Acts 2 contains the very first sermon, the very first evangelistic message ever preached in the age of the Body of Messiah.  In this evangelistic sermon, Peter identified Yahushua as “a man approved of Elohim among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which Elohim did by him (by the man) (Acts 2:22).”  He explains to his audience that this man was raised from the dead by Elohim. (Acts 2.24). Then Peter explains their responsibility to repent of their disobedience to IAUE and to His right to rule over their lives, demonstrate their allegiance to IAUE through baptism unto Yahushua Messiah as their Master; and having done that, they would receive “the gift of the Holy Spirit.” This was a reference to the supernatural manifestation that everyone within Peter’s voice had been witnessing…the thousands of people present in Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost were hearing the praises of IAUE being declared in their own languages, over a dozen different languages coming out of the mouths of unlearned Jews.  It was a miraculous event, a supernatural event.  The evidence of the Holy Spirit acting from within the 120 disciples that morning was undeniable and it was occurring differently than all their recorded history of the acts of the Holy Spirit.

We should note that repentance is something man does. It costs him everything. Of course, IAUE is working to draw man unto Himself by revealing His son to man; but man is the one who must respond. The new birth, the imputation of righteousness, the salvation that these are designed to bring, these cost Messiah everything. Discipleship to Yahushua is something man does.  It is a choice that costs him his human freedom, his right of self-determination.  He becomes the bond servant of Yahushua.  Receiving the Holy Spirit, however, does not come with a price.  He is a gift. There is no price tag on the Holy Spirit.  He is the Gift of IAUE; and IAUE has waited patiently to be able to give of Himself to man in this way; a way He has not been able to do since the fall of Adam.

When the Holy Spirit is referred to in the Old Testament as “the Spirit of Elohim,” the first seven references regarding His involvement with man say:

Numbers 24:2 …and the Spirit of Elohim came upon him.
1 Samuel 10:10 …the Spirit of Elohim came upon him…
1 Samuel 11:6 And the Spirit of Elohim came upon Saul…
1 Samuel 19:20 … the Spirit of Elohim was upon the messengers of Saul…
1 Samuel 19:23 …and the Spirit of Elohim was upon him…
2 Chronicles 15:1 And the Spirit of Elohim came upon Azariah the son of Oded:
2 Chronicles 24:20 And the Spirit of Elohim came upon Zechariah…

When the Holy Spirit is referred to in the Old Testament as the Spirit of IAUE, the first nine references say:

Judges 3:10 And the Spirit of IAUE came upon him…
Judges 6:34 But the Spirit of IAUE came upon Gideon
Judges 11:29 Then the Spirit of IAUE came upon Jephthah…
Judges 13:25 And the Spirit of IAUE began to move him…
Judges 14:6 And the Spirit of IAUE came mightily upon him…
Judges 14:19 And the Spirit of IAUE came upon him…
Judges 15:14 …the Spirit of IAUE came mightily upon him…
1 Samuel 10:6 And the Spirit of IAUE will come upon thee…
1 Samuel 16:13 …the Spirit of IAUE came upon David…

Prior to the resurrection of Messiah Yahushua, man was not qualified to receive the Holy Spirit.  Instead, the Holy Spirit would come upon a man, inspire or empower the man then He would depart from the man until needed again, if ever.  In Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost, he was announcing something quite radical regarding the Holy Spirit.  No more would the Spirit “come upon” a man to do a work through that man then leave until needed later, if ever.  No, He was called a “gift” by Peter; a present that IAUE wanted to give to man.  Look at the change in how the manner the activity of the Holy Spirit is described in the book of Acts.

Acts 2:2, 4 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting…And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

In this first reference of the agency of the Holy Spirit in the church age, note that He first “filled all the house,” effectively immersing the 120..baptizing them all in the Holy Spirit, creating within them the new birth, making the 120 disciples in the upper room new creatures in Yahushua Messiah.  Then He FILLED them. He entered into their bodies as a gift given by IAUE.  This is exactly the activity to which Paul referred in 1 Corinthians 12:13 (“For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.”) Now, let’s look to see the continuity of this experience in the book of Acts.

Acts 4:8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,

Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spake the word of Elohim with boldness.

Acts 9:17 And Ananias went his way, and entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul, the Master, even Yahushua, that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest, hath sent me, that thou mightest receive thy sight, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Acts 13:9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Spirit, set his eyes on him.

No more was the Holy Spirit “coming upon” man to accomplish the work of IAUE.  He worked from within man. 

Now, this “working” of the Holy Spirit becomes an important focus for us.  The very first mention of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures is in the very second verse.

Genesis 1:In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters.

Everywhere you see the Holy Spirit mentioned He is moving.  He is coming upon, departing from, filling…  The Holy Spirit is not static.  He is not the inert presence of IAUE.  He is constantly moving to accomplish the divine objective.  Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:11 that IAUE “works all things according to the counsel of His own will.”  He does so by His Spirit, who is forever active, forever in motion.  If we are sitting still, it is little wonder that we do not see the Spirit working supernaturally through our lives.  If WE are inert, we render the Holy Spirit within us inert, making Him, essentially, of no effect.

The Scripture is clear on this point. 

1 Corinthians 12:7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

Through all of us, the Holy Spirit would manifest Himself to those around us, doing the work of IAUE, working all things according to the counsel of IAUE’s will.  Notice how Isaiah describe the Holy Spirit.

Isaiah 11:2  And the spirit of IAUE shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of IAUE;

  The Spirit of IAUE is             The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are:
  The Spirit of wisdom                  Word of wisdom
  The Sprit of understanding        Discerning of spirits/Tongues/Interpretation of tongues
  The spirit of counsel                  Prophecy
  The spirit of might                      Working of miracles/Gifts of healing/Faith
  The Spirit of knowledge             Word of knowledge
  The Spirit of the fear of IAUE

So, you can see that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are literally manifestations of the attributes of the Spirit of IAUE.  Notice the last attribute in Isaiah’s list:  The fear of IAUE.  If we do not possess the fear of IAUE, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives will become subjected to human pride and ego, rendering the gifts of no profit to the church or to the world around us (see our last lesson).

How can we not fear when we contemplate the gift of IAUE?  The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of IAUE.  IAUE has indwelled us with Himself, through the agency of His own Spirit. His Spirit is “holy” (hagios), which means “so pure and chaste as to invoke reverence or veneration out of fear produced by our awareness of the contrast of His nature versus our nature.”

It is by His Spirit that IAUE created the heavens and the earth.  It is by His Spirit that He raised up Yahushua Messiah from the dead; and this is the gift IAUE has desired to give to man…the indwelling presence of Himself.  Is that really something that we can sit back and regard with mere doctrinal smugness?  He is given to us so that as we “move” in obedience to the will of IAUE, the Holy Spirit might continue to do the works of IAUE through us.  In the weeks to come, we will be discussing the ways the Holy Spirit executes the will of IAUE through us by the manifestation of Himself through the gifts of the Holy Spirit; and we will learn to expect the supernatural to happen around us as a matter of routine.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015




1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

Last week, we concluded with this thought:

For a disciple who realizes his primary purpose in life is to do the will of IAUE; the gifting he is given is seen merely as the Father’s choice to enable him to do what He requires of him.  There is no room for such a man to contemplate dissatisfaction, envy or pride in what he has been given.  Such thoughts are alien to a genuine disciple; but they are very real to the believer who is still ego-driven or who is a man-pleaser.  

[I suspect that because of the subject matter of our new series, this blog might attract new readers; readers who will not have had the benefit of the past year of posts that have been dedicated to the preparation of a kingdom heart, a disciple’s heart.  For that reason, rather than plunging in and dissecting the various gifts of the Holy Spirit, we are going to take a bit more time setting up this study in order that we might all benefit from this study as the Spirit would have us benefit, rather than ego getting all the benefit.]

In my experience, any time a discussion of “spiritual gifts” arises in the church, there tends to be a lot of confusion over the relationship of three different passages of Scripture.  You have gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12, and in Romans 12, and also in Ephesians 4.  Some appear to be the same names for the gifts; but then there are others that only appear to be listed only once.  Let’s take a parallel look at these lists of gifts.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10                       Romans 12:6-8                      Ephesians 4:11
Manifestation Gifts                              Motivation Gifts                       Ministry Gifts

The Word of Wisdom                          Prophecy                                Apostles
The Word of Knowledge                     Serving                                    Prophets
Faith                                                    Teaching                                 Evangelists
Gifts of Healing                                   Exhortation                              Pastors
Working of Miracles                            Giving                                      Teachers
Prophecy                                            Administration
Discerning of Spirits                            Mercy
Divers Kinds of Tongues
Interpretation of Tongues

These three lists of gifts are vastly different one from the other.  The Manifestation Gifts are ways the Holy Spirit makes His presence and power evident within us as members of the Body of Messiah.  The Motivation Gifts are ways we, as a new creature in Messiah, have been dispositioned. The Ministry Gifts are ways the Father expresses dimensions of His authority within and to the Body.

You will notice that “prophecy” and “prophets” cross all three gifts; and yet a prophet does not require either the manifestation gift of prophecy or the motivation gift of prophecy.  A person who exercises the manifestation gift of prophecy is very likely not a prophet, because that gift is not one of the necessary functions of a prophet.

You will notice there is a motivation gift of teaching and a ministry gift of the teacher; and yet the teacher does not require the motivation gift of teaching.  A teacher could have any of the motivation gifts as his/her spiritual disposition. 

These three lists are, for the most part, totally unrelated one to the other, as they are given for different reasons, different functions.  There is one thing, however, that connects all three lists of spiritual gifts; and it is generally overlooked by most who study these passages of Scripture.  This one thing they all have in common is the focus of today’s study.

After Paul explains that we are placed in the Body with different functions, he lists seven different kinds of dispositions, gifts that differ according to the grace given to us(Romans 12:7a). Then he says this:

Romans 12:Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

Paul had not been talking about love at this point in his letter to the Romans.  He includes this discussion, now, because it is related to the gifts given to the Body of believers: Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Administration, Mercy.  From a human perspective, one or more of these gifts may be considered “better” than the others, or “stronger” than the others, or “more desirable” than the others.  That is a problem; not the relative strengths or weaknesses of the gifts, but our looking at them from a human perspective.  This is why Paul interjects:

  1. Let love be without dissimulation (without hypocricy).
  2. Abhor that which is evil;
  3. Cleave to that which is good.
  4. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love.
  5. In honor, prefer one another.

Do you see the direction this is going?  He warns against the “human perspective.”  The apostle would have us keep our focus on our true purpose…to do the will of IAUE.  In that objective there can be no room of selfishness, of seeking our own good, or vying for position or prominence within the Body.  LOVE, not the syrupy emotional drippings of humanity, but the self-denying, others-promoting care that originates in IAUE and flows through us, is the perspective that we should maintain as our giftings work through our lives (See Romans 12:14-21).

In Ephesians 4:7-11, Paul states that “unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Messiah.”  He says that Messiah, “When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Then he says that “he gave some…” then he lists the ministry gifts of the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher.  This is often referred to as the “5-Fold Ministry of the Church.”  The problem with this label is that this is only a partial list. Paul says that Messiah gave gifts to ALL of us.  Some of those gifts are these five listed; but Paul does not list all of the gifts that Messiah gave.  This is quite apparent in that not everyone in the Body is gifted as one of these five; and yet Messiah has gifted “every one of us.”  These gifts are given “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Messiah(Ephesians 4:12).  In other words, they are given to profit the Body.

Just as in the Romans 12 gifts, man very definitely sees this list of five ministry gifts in a “pecking order.”  The apostle is greater than the prophet, who is greater than the evangelist, who is greater than the pastor, who is greater than the teacher.  What is the logical result?  Men want the “greater” ministry.  Pride demands the greater ministry.  Think for a moment, when someone introduces himself to a group of people saying, “I am a pastor,” we think nothing of it, and instantly we hold him in a slightly higher estimation than those who simply fill the pews on Sunday.  However, if one comes into the group and introduces himself saying, “I am a prophet,” there is an instantaneous rejection of the man’s claim.  You can call yourself a pastor, but don’t you dare call yourself a prophet.  That’s just ego talking.  Actually, what is really happening is jealousy that rejects the notion that someone is that much “greater” than you in the “pecking order.”  How absurd it is to give freedom to one to identify himself as a pastor or a teacher but not as a prophet or as an apostle.  It is for this reason, Paul continues by saying:

Ephesians 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Messiah:

These ministry gifts are largely speaking gifts.  They are offices which convey the truth of the Scripture and the revelation of the Holy Spirit to men.  Paul instructs them that when they speak, they are to speak the truth in love…denying themselves, not seeking personal gain, promotion or honor…just simply to remain focused on the benefit their words may have on the listener.

In 1 Corinthians 12, the manifestations gifts are listed.  In 1 Corinthians 14, we find specific instruction regarding the function and proper use within the Body; but sandwiched between these two chapters is 1 Corinthians 13, one of the most well-known and beloved chapters in all the Scriptures. It is this over-familiarity with the chapter that interferes with a proper understanding of this chapter.  The church refers to it as “The Love Chapter of the Bible;” and preachers and teachers often use it to teach on the true nature of love.  Though there is some relevance to this chapter being used for that purpose, it is not why it is in the Scripture.  Paul did not start writing about spiritual gifts in chapter 12, then let his mind drift off to writing about the true nature of love in chapter 13, then regain his focus to complete his study on the gifts in chapter 14.  No, the purpose of chapter 13 is to provide focus to the placement and use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit within the Body of Messiah, and individual churches in particular.

1 Corinthians 13:1  Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not love, I am nothing.
3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing.

1 Corinthians 12:7  But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

Just as it is with the gifts in Romans 12 and Ephesians 4, the gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 are seen, not so much as in a pecking order but rather in an order of desirability.  When we see others exercising gifts that demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit in ways that totally escape our own enablement, the “human perspective” hauls out the jealousy and envy and pride.  It moves our thinking away from the cardinal purpose of our existence…to do the will of IAUE.

1 Corinthians 12:4 Now, there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

This word “gifts” is from the Greek word, “charisma.”  It is where this list of gifts gets its name as the “charismatic” gifts.  It simply means “enablement of grace.”  Grace is the power IAUE gives us to do His will; so these are simply ways in which the Father has given us the ability to do His will through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.  He uses this grace to place us within the Body to provide the function to the Body that MUST come through us.  Every one of us has a role to play, a purpose to fulfil within the Body; and for this reason, Paul interjects into his discussion of these gifts that they MUST operate in our lives, be exercised by us, through love.  If they are not governed by love, they will not work properly.  They will not profit the Body as intended.  They become objects for “show and tell” in the Sunday morning worship service.  People will go “ooh!” and “ahh!” and ten minutes later, they will forget anything every happened because the gifts that are manifested for pomp and circumstance, or to show off, or to establish position or promotion in the eyes of the church have no value to the church whatsoever.

All three of these lists of spiritual gifts are given to us according to grace.  All three are given that the Body might profit from them; and all three MUST function according to love.  The moment self enters into the equation, the profiting ceases, and we fail the grace of IAUE.  If we are not focused on the fact our giftings are received for the profiting of the church; the “human perspective” will enter in and we will see them as means for profiting ourselves.  Anyone who has been involved in the “charismatic renewal” who remains alive today will tell you that the “charismatic” fellowships through the past 50-60 years have been verbally chastised by the mainline denominational churches as “believers gone wild” with childish and fleshly antics.  Their loveless development of the spiritual gifts has not profited the church.  Instead, their pride and immaturity has made the gifts of the Holy Spirit undesirable to those in the church that have not yet discovered their validity and purpose.

The gifts are not about us.  They are about IAUE.  Will man try to rob IAUE of His glory?  Yes, indeed, man will…but we should not.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.