Sunday, August 25, 2013




Acts 27:23 For this very night an angel of Elohim, to whom I belong and whom I serve stood before me.

I can well imagine that some have come to these postings about hearing the voice of IAUE hoping to find some methodologies like sitting in a quiet room alone, closing your eyes and whispering a prayer asking Him to speak, then waiting to hear that still small voice people speak about so often in church services.  The problem with such advice is, until the orientation of one’s heart is to obey the voice of IAUE, one can never be certain whose voice is being heard.  Remember the passage in John 15 about the sheep knowing the shepherd’s voice?  It talks about others who would speak to the sheep in order to mislead them from the way they should go.  It speaks of a destroyer who wants to ruin your life.  This is why, if you will recall, that our “experiment” for the novice listener was to determine to obey instantly what they think they have heard; for in the act of obedience, they will receive almost immediate confirmation of the source of the voice they are obeying.  To be predisposed to do the will of Elohim is the prerequisite for confident hearing.

Hearing the voice of the Spirit speaking on behalf of IAUE and on behalf of Yahushua is not a novelty intended for your amusement.  It is not something designed to entertain; and it is certainly not something provided in order to give you with another option of what to do, only to be weighed by your own mind and intellect to determine IF it is the best course of action for you to choose for life.  If you begin a pattern of hearing His voice, but choosing not to obey it; you will discover that His voice will become progressively more difficult to discern, until you reach a place of utter darkness.

I was impressed while reading in the Book of Acts, this morning, that in the dire circumstances of being tossed relentlessly across the sea by a hurricane, the apostle Paul addressed the terrified crew by identifying himself first as someone who BELONGED to Elohim (He was owned by Him.  He was the property of Elohim.); and after being identified as one who belonged to Elohim, he states that he served Elohim. 

Acts 27:23 …Elohim, to whom I belong and whom I serve stood before me.

This is the mindset of a man who has walked in obedience for many years, suffering all manner of hardship and humiliation on behalf of his faith and duty to Elohim. His commitment to obeying the voice of IAUE was long established in his heart. In the midst of tumultuous winds, the constant crashing of waves, and the hope-killing fear that swept over the entire crew, Paul heard…and he heard very accurately.  It is one thing to hear the voice of IAUE when alone and quiet in peaceful surroundings; but another thing altogether when death is staring you in the face, and peace and quiet is nowhere to be found.  Hearing the voice of IAUE, however, is no different to the obedient disciple, whether his life is in quietness or in chaos. 

Over the past few months, this blog has had readers from the USA, Canada, Brazil, England, Russia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Belgium, France, Germany, Spain, China, and others.  Not all have the benefit of living in serene environments.  I would imagine some have quite difficult lives.  Hearing the voice of IAUE is as free and available to them as it is to those who have very comfortable lives.  Actually, they have an advantage over the “comfortable,” because they do not have the luxury of all the choices many of us have in life; and hearing the clear direction of IAUE is far more important to their physical existence as it is to others.  Thus, their purpose of heart to obey His voice makes them less confused by the options the flesh offers those who live in comfort.

The willingness of IAUE to speak to us is not in question.  Throughout the Scriptures we are commanded over and over again to listen to the voice of IAUE.  The fact that we are repeatedly commanded to listen is evidence enough that He is speaking.  I cannot stress enough the importance of the connection between hearing and obeying.  Paul understood that he both belonged to Elohim and served Elohim. 

Another issue that must be addressed is motive.  Yes, motive.  What is the REASON why you want to hear the voice of the Spirit?  I know in some parts of the world this might sound really stupid and idiotic; but it is a very prevalent problem in churches in the USA.  Men and women want to be able to say “The Spirit spoke to me,” in order to look spiritual and superior.  Some in positions of ministry depend upon this as a credential to validate their place of esteem in the church.  This is purely a fleshly motive.  Others, having heard absolutely nothing at all will say, “The Spirit told me…” simply to avoid doing something the Spirit really has said; or to us the Holy Spirit as a trump card to get someone to decide their way in some decision that must be made.  For example, if you think you should do one thing, and someone else says, “Well, the Spirit spoke to me this morning and said you should do this, instead.”  Which direction has the greater credibility?  What you think, or what the Spirit said?  This motive is to manipulate; and it is wickedness.  The only motive we should have in hearing the voice of the Spirit is obedience.

We mentioned in the last posting when it comes to hearing and understanding the voice of the Spirit, it is very important to read and study the Scriptures.  This is not referring to a five minute quiet time in the morning.  This is digesting large portions of Scripture on a daily basis; absorbing the Scriptures as a whole so the Holy Spirit may do two things for you. 

1.  He will use the Scriptures you have read to teach you and to guide you into Truth. 

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

John 16:13   Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

If the Scripture is not “in you” by virtue of reading, studying or listening to it, He cannot bring it to your remembrance, or teach you what it means. The more saturated you become with the Scripture, the greater will be your capacity to recognize and to hear the voice of the Spirit.  The Scriptures are a catalyst.  The more you confront them, the more the Holy Spirit will speak to you.  This is one of the reasons why so few truly know His voice.  They have spent so very little time in the Scriptures. 

2.   The more Scripture you have put inside of you (by reading, studying or listening to it), the more the Holy Spirit may use to begin to weave the Scriptures together and produce understandings of the way a spiritual man should think about any given subject. It is not reasonable, for example, for anyone to say he has a grasp on the teachings of the book of Galatians if he has never read or studied the book of Exodus.  Every book of the Scripture enlarges ones understanding of every other book.  Through this, the Holy Spirit will override and rewrite the mental programs we have established in our mind through the years.  This process is how our mind is renewed to know and understand the will of Elohim.

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of Elohim.

The way that the “natural man” thinks and processes circumstances and issues is not the way a “spiritual man” evaluates the exact same things. One is reliant upon his own sense of right and wrong and judgment.  This is done principally upon the foundation of what is perceived to be good or desirable, more beneficial, for that person…a selfish motive.  A spiritual man only needs to know what the Master wants.  How that affects him personally is of no concern to him.  Until this separation, this divide, occurs in the mind of the man, he can never be confident of the voice of the Spirit.  James says this man is double-minded, and can expect nothing from IAUE (James 1:5-8).  The apostle Paul says as much in the verse before this one.

Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of Elohim, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto Elohim, which is your reasonable service. 

A sacrifice is something whose life is poured out before Elohim, something that is killed, something that is dead.  We are called to be LIVING sacrifices.  We are to offer our physical bodies, our physical life in this world unto Elohim.  Our relationship to our own life should be as though we were dead.  We have given our bodies to Elohim as a sacrifice; and yet we continue to live; only now He may use our body, our life, as He pleases.  We are dead to ourselves and alive unto Elohim.  We belong to Elohim; and we serve Elohim.  This is the foundation for hearing His voice.  This is the starting point of truly walking in the leading of the Spirit, knowing the shepherd’s voice and understanding the will of the Father in all matters.

One thing I have taught through the years every time I have ever taught on hearing the voice of the Spirit is this:  The Spirit may wait six minutes to speak just to see if you will only wait five minutes to listen.  You see, it is no mystery to the Spirit how important it is that we hear and know His voice.  He understands that for the disciple of Messiah, hearing His voice is crucial to our spiritual life. The question is how important is it to us to hear his voice?  Sometimes we feel that we don’t want to hear Him; because we don’t want to hear what He has to say.  Other times, if we have waited patiently for a few minutes listening for an answer to prayer for guidance or wisdom and we have not yet heard His voice on the matter, our minds begin to race to all the other things we could be doing that we think would be a better use of our time.  This, then, is something of a litmus test of ownership.  If we are living sacrifices, there is nothing more important than knowing the will of Elohim.  If we are still alive to ourselves, there are many things more important than the voice of Elohim?

To whom do you belong?

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