Sunday, November 23, 2014




Philippians 2:13  For it is Elohim which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Last week’s post ended with this comment:

Just how little of a fight do we put up when we are tempted?   Do we even think
about fighting; or is it, “Oh well, there is that temptation again. I guess I should
just go ahead and give in.”  Or do we EVER think, “I have not yet resisted unto
blood striving against sin?”  This, too, lets us know where our affections truly lie. 

The apostle Peter had the same revelation regarding the flesh as Paul.

1 Peter 4:1 Therefore, since Messiah has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,
2  so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of IAUE.

When he refers to suffering in the flesh, Peter is not referring to suffering persecution for the name of Messiah.  He is referring to the flesh suffering…which comes by denying the flesh what it wants; thus never giving occasion for the law of sin in the flesh to be expressed in our lives.  The one who allows his flesh to suffer this denial of expression ceases from sin; because it is the law of sin in the flesh that energizes disobedience to the will of IAUE.

This “same purpose” that Messiah had to suffer in the flesh is referred to by Peter as an effective weapon against sin.  The word “arm” used here is “hoplizo.” It means to arm, or to furnish with weapons.  Many people like to talk about spiritual warfare and focus on the believer’s authority over demons; but true spiritual warfare begins here; by taking a military stance against the law of sin in the flesh.  If that enemy is not contained within our own bodies, it matters little what we do outside the body. Everything we do will be tainted by sin; hence the sad declaration, “I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:23).

Hebrews 10:36  For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of Elohim, ye might receive the promise.

Patience.  Surprisingly, this is a big problem with believers and disciples.  How many times have we “denied the flesh” only to decide we have been so good for so long that we should treat ourselves, now, with something that “I” want.  Our sense of the reward for our obedience is set so far in the future that it does not seem a compatible prize for what we are going through, now.  We have need of patience; so that after having done the will of Elohim, we might receive the promise.

Our faithful brother, the apostle Paul, awakened us through his personal testimony to the weakness of the flesh...not just weakness, but an actual living principle of rebellion that permeates our physical members.  Paul called it a "law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." (Romans 7:23)

I am reminded of the story of a scorpion whose intended path was obscured by a creek.  Desiring to cross the creek, the scorpion asked a small fox if he could ride atop his head while he swam across the creek.  The fox objected saying, "You will just sting me and I will die.  No, scorpion, I will not help you."  The scorpion countered with promises of good behavior until his expressed dedications nearly embarrassed the young fox.  Finally, the fox said, "If you promise, on your word of honor, that you will not sting me, I will swim you across the creek."  The scorpion assured the fox, giving him his solemn vow not to sting him.

The fox allowed the scorpion to crawl up to the top of his head, then swam across the creek.  As the fox reached the opposing bank of the creek, the scorpion stung the fox.  As the fox weakened to his death, he said, "But you promised!"  The scorpion replied, "But you knew I was a scorpion."

The application of this tale to our study is to express that the corruption that is in our mortal bodies is not subject to change.  The law in our members is continuously "warring" against all that would deny it control and self-determination.  Though we might hear pronouncements of promised good behavior and self-denials, it is not to be trusted.  Such promises are nothing but deceptions, despite the fact that they are often quite convincing.

When a person becomes a disciple of Yahushua, the spirit of man is transformed by a new birth; a miraculous event effected by the power of IAUE through His Holy Spirit.  Concerning this new spirit, the Scripture says that old things have passed away and all things are made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). The soul of man is not directly transformed by this event.  It is not "born again," but it certainly feels the impact of the Light shining from within the newly created spirit,  The soul not only has the capability of being transformed; we, as disciples of Messiah, are commanded to facilitate that transforming process (Romans 12:1-2). The body of man remains a corrupt house in which spirit and soul reside. It does not change.  Like the scorpion, it cannot change its nature; and as such, it remains a liability until the day we die, or until the resurrection (whichever comes first).  We have the promise that we must contend with this mortal corruption until the resurrection from the dead, for Paul tells us that on that day...

1 Corinthians 15:53 ...this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

It is imperative that we acknowledge the persistent existence of the law of sin in our members in order not to be taken in by it....that we not be deceived by it.  Paul said that it WARS against our mind.  That makes it (not the body---the law of sin within the body) the enemy of our soul.  If we have such a resident enemy of our discipleship to Yahushua, how much more should we be vigilant in "keeping our heart with all diligence?"  How much more aggressive should we be in maintaining a clean heart of a pure conscience and unhindered understanding of the voice of the Master?  This brings us to our verse for today.  

Philippians 2:13 For it is Elohim which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Elohim's grace has a distinct two-fold effect upon our lives.  Elohim is working within us to:

  1. To WILL to do His will.
  2. To DO that which pleases Him.
As we offer our lives in repentance and humility to the Master, we become candidates of Elohim's grace.  Our yielding to Him affords Him the liberty to pour out His grace upon our lives.  That grace has a distinct and deliberate effectiveness in altering our own human will...that part of our soulish being that is the central command post of our decision-making capacity.  Elohim works within us to choose to WANT to do His will.  That is the first and necessary step in the development of a Kingdom Heart.

Secondly, having affected our will to WANT to do His will, He is also at work within us, by His grace, to DO His will, and thus please Him.  Remember what Yahushua said of Himself?  He said that his "meat" was to "do" the will of His Father; and that He "always" did those things that "please" his Father.  Doing His Father's will was His diet.  It was what sustained Him.  The Father's grace works that same effect within our own lives.

Should we not, then, do all that we can to prevent any hardness of heart? Should we not diligently guard our heart to protect this divine flow of IAUE's powerful grace working to affect our will?  Should we not be on the alert at all times against this deceitful law of sin working within our body constantly trying to gain the ascendency over our mind?  We have a law of sin working within our physical body to wage war against our mind; desperately seeking to prevent our minds from agreeing with the will of IAUE.  We cannot win against it if we interfere with the flow of His grace working within us to will and to do of His good pleasure.  It is a choice.  What shall we choose? 

Revisit how you think of the promise of the gospel, the promise of the resurrection and of the body taking on incorruption and immortality.  Is it not real in your mind?  Is the reward too far away to have a present impact on your life?  Or is it just a fantasy that has never held your heart captive to the joy that is set before you?  Our choices determine whether the grace of Elohim will rule in our heart, or the law of sin in the flesh will exercise dominion over our lives.   Choose.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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