Sunday, December 14, 2014





Proverb 16:6  By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of IAUE men depart from evil.

Last week’s post ended with this comment:

Know this, that nothing on the broad path has value to the King,
because all of it is under the sentence of IAUE’s condemnation.

By this we may understand which path we are travelling.  If we are carrying the baggage of the old man with the option to satisfy our own will whenever it appeals to us, we may know that we are proceeding recklessly down the broad path that leads unto death; because the old man cannot fit on the narrow path that leads unto life.  I know this concept violates the doctrinal positions of many; but we must make a decision.  Are we going to live our lives according to what the masses believe; or according to what the Holy Spirit reveals to us? Are we going to be men pleasers or pleasers of IAUE?

I occasionally check out the programming on various religious broadcasting networks on television just to see what ministers are saying these days.  This past week, I came upon an interview that a well-known minister and his wife were having with a young lady.  The lady was sharing that she “wrestled with God for three years” before succumbing to do what He had been leading her to do.  All three of them chuckled over the comment.  I looked at my wife and said, “They just laughed about her willful, persistent and repeated disobedience to IAUE.”  The idea of wrestling with IAUE is common within Christendom and comes with what could almost be described as a commendation for enduring the dealings of IAUE long enough to become obedient to His will.  From IAUE’s perspective, I would dare say He did not find it commendable; and her ultimate “yielding” to do what He had been asking her to do very likely was not borne of repentance, but rather an act motivated by the flesh.

Sin is no longer significant in the mind of the church, today.  The false gospel that has produced the contemporary church resolves all issues of sin with a single “magic” prayer:  “Jesus, please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart.  I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior.  Thank you. Amen.”  In the mind of most, this means that Messiah forgave them of the things for which they feel guilty having committed (which makes sin an issue of their own making, and does not have a view toward IAUE’s perspective of sin). This is why most believers continue to live their lives according to their own selfish will, never giving any serious consideration to the will of IAUE.  The only sins of consequence to them are the ones that make them feel guilty; and that is usually because they violate some social norm or standard, or relates to some addictive behavior; all of which are measured by human standards and not by IAUE’s standard.

Obedience to the will of IAUE is not a part of the mindset of the average believer sitting in church on Sunday morning.  I find this to be a most peculiar condition since they ALL believe that Messiah came to die for their sins.  As we stated in a recent post:

Sin, by definition, is disobedience to the will of IAUE.

Sin is whatever is not in conformity with what IAUE wants.  IAUE’s will is the universal standard and expectation of all life.  It is the universal constant.  Any and all 1) disagreement with, 2) consideration of alternatives to, and 3) violations of His will is a wrongful act. 

If IAUE sent His son to die for our sins to pay the price of our disobedience to His will; why then are we not a people committed to doing His will, now?  Isn’t that the most sensible and logical response to His forgiveness?  Does it not stand to reason that if Messiah came to deal with our disobedience to IAUE’s will; and the consequences of that disobedience, that we would stop being disobedient to His will, now? 

Romans 6:1  What shall we say then?  Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
2  IAUE forbid!  How shall we who are dead to sin live any longer therein?

Relinquishing our lives to take up the life of the Master was an essential ingredient of the gospel.  We have been bought with a price; therefore, we are no longer our own, we belong to another.  How can we who have died to the person we were before we bowed the knee to the Master Messiah Yahushua, get up off that knee and carry our old man into this new life?  The answer is simple.  Most of us didn’t die.  That is the most significant symptom of the product of a false gospel.

The true gospel is stated in one simple sentence:  “Repent, for the Kingdom of IAUE is at hand.”  Nowhere in the book of Acts, when we see the gospel presented to the lost, do we find anyone being asked to accept Yahushua as a personal lord and savior.  Nowhere do we see anyone being asked to implore Yahushua to forgive them of their sins.  This contemporary message does not have the power to bury the old man and to raise up a new man to walk in the power of a new life.  Its focus is not on the holiness of IAUE, but rather the guilty conscience of man.

Repentance focuses on who you are, what you are, and how you have been; and demands that you turn from all of it, to leave it all behind; and with your life serve another.  The early convert had a clear understanding that when he entered the waters of baptism, he was burying that old man; and that what came out of the waters of baptism was no longer to be lived in accordance with his own will; but rather, was to be lived in obedience to the will of IAUE.   Forgiveness focuses on a release of guilt and has no direct impact on who or what you are, or how you have been.  It just releases you from the debt incurred by who you are, what you are, and how you have been.  Forgiveness makes no demand for you to change.  Repentance does.

You can see from these two perspectives why believers today have such little appreciation for the seriousness of their disobedience.  Focusing on forgiveness fails to see their disobediences as the abominations they are in the sight of IAUE.  After all, they did cost Yahushua his life.

Hebrews 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.

I opened my blog with this verse from Hebrews 12, for several weeks without ever commenting on it…letting its message quietly sink into the readers’ heart.  This verse demonstrates the seriousness of sin, of disobeying IAUE’s will; that we should resist it with such resolve that we would refuse to disobey our Father even should it require the spilling of our own blood.  Such is the heart of the disciple regarding disobeying IAUE. It just isn’t done; and nothing can make us compromise on that point.

Proverb 16:6  By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of IAUE men depart from evil.

Those who have been reading this blog from the beginning recognize that one of the first subjects we discussed was the Fear of IAUE.  The Scriptures are clear on this point that the Fear of IAUE is the beginning of knowledge; it is the beginning of wisdom; and it is the means by which men depart from evil---by which they stop sinning.  It is also virtually extinct from modern Christendom; and this is due to the false contemporary gospel message.  If we understood the Fear of IAUE, we would have little difficulty appreciating the nature of sin; and we would be clear that there are consequences to our every act of disobedience to IAUE.

Perhaps we simply need a fundamental exchange of terms.  If we stopped referring to “sin” and just called it what it is, “disobedience,” we would see ourselves in a new light.  We would see ourselves as rebellious brats still opting to do what we want instead of doing what the Creator wants.  The only wake-up call that can fix this problem is the pure message of the true gospel:  REPENT.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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