Sunday, December 6, 2015




Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of IAUE, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto IAUE, which is your reasonable service.
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of IAUE.

Today, we embark on a new study.  My objective in this study is not to renew your minds.  That is something YOU are required to do (“I beseech YOU therefore brethren…that…YE be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”).  It is singularly YOUR responsibility; and it IS a responsibility.  This is no suggestion made by Paul.  It is an apostolic appeal made by the Holy Spirit through the apostle.  We are each, individually, required to renew our minds. [My purpose in writing this blog is to help facilitate your growth in discipleship to Yahushua Messiah.  As I have said many times before, I cannot give you revelation.  That is the job of the Holy Spirit. I can only provide you with the raw materials to take to Him to ask Him to reveal the truth to you.]

If you have been reading this blog from the very beginning, you will know that throughout every study we have done, no matter what the subject matter, I have made it clear that the underlying purpose of absolutely everything in the Scriptures is to help facilitate our obedience to the will of IAUE.  It is the very purpose of our design in creation; and until we dedicate our bodies as “living sacrifices(Romans 12:1) unto the performance of this purpose, we will miss out on the actual purpose of redemption in Yahushua Messiah.

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of IAUE.

Let’s take a closer look at the various elements of this verse.

1.  Be not conformed to this world.  This command indicates that conformity to the world is a problem for us.  It is not something that is a problem for some and not a problem for others.  So, what actually is conformity to this world?  “Conformity” is mimicking the pattern of something. It is complying with the expectations and standards of an existing system or way of doing things.  That standard is “this world.”  More specifically, it is the manner in which every aspect of life on this planet is directed to behave and think. That includes its social norms, its education, arts, sciences, governments, music, business, traditions, etc.  The world (‘aion”) embodies every element of life as men and women have forged their lives alienated from fellowship with IAUE, with only their own self-absorbed morals and values to guide them.  Paul uses the term “aion” to refer to the current expression of the world as defined by its prevailing culture.  In other words, and more specifically, “going along with the times.”

The Holy Spirit does not want us, as disciples, to be a part of the masses that are inadvertently working collectively to degrade human society.  The Scriptures teach a doctrine referred to as “the depravity of man.”  In this concept (which I believe to be absolutely correct), mankind is depraved.  That means, spiritually-speaking, man is as bad off as he can be; however, he is not as bad as he can be.  Given the right circumstances or environment, however, and man readily descends into being as bad as he can be BECAUSE of the nature of depravity within him.  Let me illustrate what I mean.

The classic book, The Lord of the Flies, is about a bunch of school boys that are shipwrecked on an island.  Without the presence of an adult representing a restraining authority over them, the boys’ depraved nature facilitated their rapid descent into chaos, even unto murder and cannibalism.  The moment an adult reenters the scene, the boys drop their hand-made weapons, and act like little boys again.  Their depravity was placed in check; and they ceased being as bad as they could be. 

Using this example, we can see that one of the reasons why Paul commands us not to be conformed to the world is so our lives can be salt and light to the current culture…salt, to preserve the culture and prevent its natural descent into expressing more and more the depravity of man; and light, to show it the life it can have; to send forth the savor of righteousness to a world in darkness.  When we remain conformed to this present age; we are as much a part of the problem as those without Messiah are.  “…Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?  IAUE forbid!...(Romans 6:1-2)

2. be ye transformed.  The apostle tells us that we need to be “transformed.”  This word (“metamorphoo”) means “to change into another form.”  It is the word from which we get the English word “metamorphosis” which describes the change of a caterpillar into a butterfly.  We are not to live our lives in such a way that we can be confused as being one of those who are conformed to the present evil age.  We are to live as a different form of life, for indeed, we ARE a different form of life.  “If any man be in Messiah Yahushua, he is a NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.(2 Corinthians 5:17) Remember, also, the words Paul spoke just a few chapters earlier. “…as Messiah was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6:4)

3.  by the renewing of your mind.  How does this transformation, this changing into a different form of life happen?  It comes by renewing our mind.  This word (“anakainosis”) means “to renovate, to change for the better.”  It is derived from a root word that means “to grow up.”  So, this is a process.  The end result has already been accomplished by Messiah; and all the tools necessary to make it a reality have already been provided to us in our redemption by the death and resurrection of Messiah.  We need merely to apply it to our lives and allow it to change us into his image; but it requires our active and relentless participation.

There is a very important element to this process that has escaped the notice of most believers; and that is that changing the way we think, necessarily changes the image on the inside of us as to what we expect to happen in and through our lives to others.  If we embrace the way the world thinks, we will always get the world’s results.  When we come to think the way our Master thinks, we will begin to get his results, instead.

4.  that ye may prove...  To “prove” (“dokimazo”) something, is to test or examine it to see that it is genuine.  The Scripture teaches us that to know to do good and not do it, is sin (James 4:17); however, many believers are content to sit in church or go to bible studies and learn things that they never implement into their lives.  They are satisfied just to know the information.  They do not allow the Scripture to transform them.  If it does not change them, it is worthless to them, and it is especially worthless to the world around them.  

5.  what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of IAUE.  Here we have the reason why we are not to be conformed to the world.  This is the purpose of being transformed.  It is the objective of renewing our minds.  It is that we might know the will of IAUE, and understand in the knowing that it is good, acceptable and perfect.  The main problem believers have with the will of IAUE is that their minds are not trained to understand, by contrast with the way the current age thinks and works, that His will is the only one that is good, acceptable and perfect.  So often, when believers must make a decision in their life, they pray to know IAUE’s will; but they do not pray to know His will with the objective of doing it, necessarily.  They want to know what His will is so they can compare it with their other options.  The option that seems best to them, or the least embarrassing to them, or the least difficult to them, is often the one they choose.  They would like for the will of IAUE to be that sweeter option; but more often than not, it is their own will they choose. By this, they demonstrate that IAUE does not have the right to rule their lives.  Even if they choose IAUE’s will, they are no longer able to do His will.  They are now doing their own will; for their will has approved of the will of IAUE.  Until we are cast upon His will, such that there are no other options we regard as available; it is impossible to do His will.  The moment we judge that it is the better or best option available, we have lost the chance to do His will. This is why we must be renewed in our thinking.  We have an abundance of worldly programming in our minds that must be eliminated; so we can learn how to think with the thoughts of IAUE; and understand the nature of His will as our ultimate purpose and our chiefest joy.

Knowing and doing the will of IAUE is our purpose in life.  It is why we were created; and it is what Messiah’s life and death was intended to restore to us.  If we are not actively involved with the Holy Spirit to transform our lives by renewing our minds, we WILL conform to this present evil age; and we will fail both our Creator and our Master.  This is what life in Messiah all boils down to…a new life form on the earth that does the will of IAUE.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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