Sunday, May 1, 2016

RENEWING THE MIND – XXII (What is Man - 2)




Romans 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of IAUE.

What is man that IAUE is mindful of him?  The answer is: Man is the darling of the heart of IAUE.  Nothing would exist apart from IAUE were it not for His purpose in creating man to be the object of His love.  Once we grasp this truth, how could we not aspire to obey His every word? 

Now that we understand that “man” is the pinnacle of all the creative works of IAUE; and in man rests the fullness of IAUE’s creative purpose, we need never again to wonder if IAUE is for us or against us.  We need never concern ourselves with how long He will endure with us in His efforts to bring us to repentance and to restore us to Himself.  His mercy toward us is from generation to generation, and His compassion toward us is renewed every single morning.  He desires all men to be “saved” and to come to the knowledge of this truth.  IAUE is not our enemy.  We do not need to fight him, barter with Him, negotiate with Him, or weigh our deeds upon a scale before we approach Him with expectance that He will hear us and answer us.  IAUE created us to dote upon us like a loving Father whose love is endless and whose power to protect us and to meet our needs is limitless.

Now, let’s take a look at what IAUE created.  What IS man?

Genesis 2:7 And IAUE Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Here we see how IAUE’s man came into existence: Man was “formed” (yatsarto fashion as a potter fashions a shape out of clay) out of the “dust” (apharthe dry earth) of the “earth” (adamahthe earth/land).  The first thing IAUE did was to use the raw materials of the earth that He had created to shape a body for man, fashioning it like a potter molds a vessel into the shape of his choosing?  What was the shape chosen by IAUE?

Genesis 1:26  And Elohim said, Let us make man in our image…

From this we understand that the body of man has been shaped and proportioned to look like IAUE.  It might even be safe to assume that Adam looked like IAUE’s twin.  Man’s body was made of the earth over which IAUE was to give him complete dominion (see Genesis 1:26-30).  This also lets us know that man was intended to be an earthbound creature.  His destiny was never to be “with IAUE in Heaven,” but rather to walk and talk and have fellowship with Him upon the earth. Man’s physical essence was of the land over which he was to exercise dominion.

So, we see that the body of man is an integral part of what “man” is for two specific reasons.  One, his body was made in the image of IAUE; and two, his body was made of the earth over which he was placed in charge.

What came next?  IAUE breathed into the nostrils of man’s body “the breath of life.” This clearly relates to a spirit being breathed into man.  We know from James’ epistle (James 2:26) that the body without the spirit is dead; so we may conclude that the body WITH the spirit is alive.  Here we see after breathing spirit into the lifeless body that had been shaped into IAUE’s image, that “man became a living soul.”  It is the soul of man that is his true identify.  The soul of man (which comprises the mind, the will and the emotions) is what forms the personality of man.  It stores the knowledge and memory of man and forms the basis for the choices man makes.  It forms his temperament, his attitudes, his sense of humor (or lack thereof), etc.  The body of man is merely a vehicle through which the soul expresses its identity.  The body does whatever the soul instructs it to do.  The body has no personality of itself, no will, no ability to make choices.  It is what links man to the physical world so the soul is able to exercise dominion over it. The body of man is what is made in the image of IAUE; but it is the soul of man that is made after His likeness.

Genesis 1:26  And Elohim said, Let us make man…after our likeness…”

This means that the soul of man has built within it the capacity for maturing into the same character, integrity, morality, compassion, etc., of IAUE; so that we are reproducing His nature within us.  It is in this same way that fathers in the earth, today, raise up their children to be like them.  They want to reproduce their character and wisdom and principles and morality within their offspring.

Notice that the Scripture says IAUE formed “man” out of the dust of the earth; and that “man” became a living soul; but it does NOT say that the spirit that was breathed into him was “man” or “man’s spirit.”  It is imperative that we understand that the Scripture did NOT say that IAUE breathed into his nostrils “the spirit of man.”  Why is this important?  It is because for the last 40 years or more there has been a prevalent, although false, teaching that “Man is a spirit. He has a soul; and he lives in a body.”  Man is NOT a spirit.  Man is an image with a likeness that is sustained by a spirit that is given by IAUE.  

The spirit within man is both the power source of the body (as long as the spirit remains within the body, it animates the flesh and allows the soul of man to express its will in the earth), and it is man’s link to and connection with the spiritual world; thus, it is also man’s link to IAUE.   

We see, then, that IAUE created man to be a soul operating within a physical body in order to look like IAUE and to behave like IAUE, and to exercise dominion over his domain; much in the same way that IAUE is a spirit (John 4:24); and He exercises dominion over His domain. 

Solomon’s search for whatever is profitable under the sun came to an interesting conclusion.  As he paints a picture of an elderly man coming to the end of his days and nearing death, he says:

Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto Elohim who gave it.

The body will decay back into its earthly elements (the dust of the earth); and the spirit that had animated the body will return to Elohim who gave it.  Here, the body and the spirit are more plainly seen as man’s points of contact with the physical world and the spiritual world.  Neither the body nor the spirit is seen as man’s true identify; but what of the soul? Of the soul, Solomon said this:

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Elohim, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

We have just scratched the surface of this subject.  In the next couple of posts, we will examine the impacts of both the fall of man and the redemption of man.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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