Sunday, July 17, 2016




Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

We can 1. give thanks in all things, 2. rejoice evermore and, 3. pray without ceasing knowing with confidence that they are the will of IAUE for our lives.  We can also be confident that they manifest the Kingdom of IAUE in the earth and bring the power of the Kingdom of IAUE to bear in and through our lives to those around us.

If you have begun to practice these three activities, you may have observed at first a degree of difficulty.  Do not give up on them.  What usually occurs at first is a “choice” to give thanks, to rejoice and to pray; but the activity is based upon whatever thoughts are in your mind…your academic collection of what you have heard or learned in Scripture.  Let’s call this “priming the pump.”  We could also call it “planting the seed.”  When you plant a seed, you do not harvest the wheat the next day.  A farmer absolutely knows without a shred of doubt, however, that once the seed is planted, the seed begins to release its power to begin the growth process.

You might give thanks for Messiah’s sacrifice on your behalf, for the Holy Spirit in your life, then move on to thanking IAUE for your house, your job, your family, your friends…and five minutes later you have run out of things for which to express thanks. You really haven’t quite understood how you can give Him thanks in the middle of financial difficulty, pressure at work, relationships that have gone sour.  That’s okay.  Unless thanksgiving was already a natural function of your life, that experience is going to be common with anyone who has chosen to move into discipleship from just being a believer. 

The same is true for rejoicing.  Now, rejoicing is an even less common experience to most because we do not tend to think in terms of rejoicing.  This activity might not have come as easily to you as giving thanks or even praying. The difference between thanksgiving and rejoicing is this.  Giving thanks expresses appreciation for what IAUE or Messiah, or even other people have done for us.  Rejoicing is celebrating over the impact of what was done.  For example:  If you are deeply in debt, that problem has caused many ripples of other problems in your life.  If someone comes up to you and hands you a check to pay all of your debts, you would “THANK” that person profusely with sincere gratitude; but when you got home to your family, you would REJOICE with your family that you were now debt free and liberated from all of the bondage it brought into your family’s experience.  You rejoice over the ramifications and impact of becoming debt free.  You give thanks for the gift.  You rejoice over what the gift means to you.  When the gift is temporal, as in our illustration above, the rejoicing is short-lived  because the effects of the gift, that of being debt free, will eventually become the normal experience; and we will no longer consider it a matter for rejoicing.  When the gift, however, is eternal, there is no way the rejoicing can ever become tired or without foundation.

Understanding this helps us to understand the “bridges” we discussed last week. (A bridge is a transfer of life and light and power from our newborn spirit through our soul into and out of the body.)
 When at first our activity proceeds forth from academic facts stored in our mind, the corresponding bridge does not appear instantaneously.  Until we have tapped the thanksgiving, the rejoicing and the unceasing prayer that is in our newborn spirit, our obedience to the command of Scripture to give thanks, rejoice and pray begins the process of building the corresponding bridge.  Until the soul embraces thanksgiving, rejoicing and prayer as a way of life, a life of obedience to the will of IAUE that becomes a core value in our hearts, we have not provided the corresponding image to our spirit in order to release the power of the Holy Spirit through us to others.
In the above image, we see illustrated how the choice in our minds to give thanks, rejoice and to pray without ceasing begins to reach through the soul into the heart, seeking its counterpart in our spirit.
Here, we see that by maintaining the determined practice of DOING THE WORD OF IAUE (giving thanks, rejoicing, praying) and not just being a hearer of His word, our planted seed grows until it finds its counterpart in our spirit.  Do you recall our illustration a few weeks ago of the “Concentration” game, where you try to match the images behind the tiles?  When you make a match, the tiles are removed from the board, and the image behind the tiles is exposed.  THAT is the completion of the bridge; and the glory of IAUE is revealed to shed abroad His life, light and power in our lives to others.
This illustration is a bit busy, but you can see that once the bridge has been completed by persistent obedience to the will of IAUE, first begun as a choice in the mind, it becomes forever after a release of the spirit.  Thanksgiving and rejoicing and prayer are now fueled by the grace of IAUE; and they become effortless and natural to us. They become a way of life to us.

Through this transaction, the Kingdom of Heaven is manifested in our lives.  The treasure in earthen vessels is exposed to the world around us; and how is this made possible?  It is by simple obedience to the Word of IAUE…simple obedience to what we know is our Father’s will. 

Now, I want to introduce why this process works, and how it has the power to manifest the Kindgom of Heaven in and through our lives. 

Luke 17:21 …behold, the kingdom of IAUE is within you.

We have discussed many times in this blog that man is the pinnacle of the creation of IAUE; and that the purpose of man’s creation, his design function, is to do the will of IAUE.  Man was created in IAUE’s image and after His likeness; but that was forfeited in the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Yahushua came to restore to man the image and likeness of IAUE and to restore his ability to fulfill his design function. Doing the will of IAUE is what makes that happen; it is what transforms us into His likeness from glory to glory.  This transformation is effected by the Spirit of IAUE.  What I want us to see is the role of the Holy Spirit in this process.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Elohim moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And Elohim said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Note, the Spirit of IAUE was moving upon the surface of the earth waiting…waiting for Elohim to speak.  Once the word was spoken, “Light be!” the Spirit created light.  Each time Elohim spoke, the Spirit of Elohim created.  The words spoken by IAUE are full of creative power.  They are filled with the faith of IAUE.  He speaks, and His Spirit brings it to pass.

When IAUE speaks regarding us, His creative power and His faith fill those words; and the Spirit of IAUE is prepared to release the creative power to bring manifestation to those words; but the Spirit is now waiting for us.  He is waiting for US to speak the same words back to IAUE to complete the connection.  Why is this?  It is because IAUE gave dominion to man over all the works of His hands in the earth (Genesis 1:26-30).  IAUE provided to His man everything pertaining to life and godliness (the manifestation of the likeness of IAUE…the manifestation of righteousness); but man must now appropriate it with his own words of faith by concurring with the words of IAUE.

2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of IAUE, and of Yahushua our Master,
3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

This opens up a whole new concept for us in the transformation of the soul; but you will have a first-hand demonstration of what we will be discussing over the next few weeks if you continue to persist in giving thanks, rejoicing and praying without ceasing.  Keep building your bridges. This is about to get really exciting.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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