Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in IAUE: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto IAUE; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
This is our third lesson under the
heading, “Fundamentals of Discipleship.”
Let’s quickly recap our first two.
The Right Attitude - “I will bless IAUE
at all times. His praise shall continually
be in my mouth.” If we maintain this attitude, we are
forced to evaluate all of the circumstances and events that occur in our life aware
that IAUE is intimately involved in our life; and if He is, then the fleshly,
self-focused perceptions we have been naturally inclined to engage no longer
have place in our thinking.
You find out you were not invited to a
party; but the rest of your friends were invited.
Fleshly response: “I am insulted. Did they think I wouldn’t find out I was
- Right attitude response: “Thank you Father. You always know where I should be and what I
should be doing at all times. Thank you
for not allowing me this option that might have tempted me to go where you do
not need me. You are so good to me all
the time.”
Your car breaks down while you are driving
to work.
- Fleshly response: “Why did this have to happen to me? This is going to cost me a lot of money to fix;
and I am going to be very late getting to work.”
Right attitude response: “Father,
help me to be sensitive to what you are wanting to effect by this temporary
inconvenience. Perhaps the tow truck
driver needs the money to take care of a need in his family; or my boss needs
an opportunity to recognize how much value I bring to his business? Maybe you just protected me from an accident
just two blocks away. Whatever it is, I
know it is for good; and I thank you.”
If your first response to inconveniences or hardships focuses on yourself, you
need to submit yourself to IAUE for instruction until you learn to bless Him at
all times. Paul said that IAUE “worketh all
things according to the counsel of His own will” (Eph 1:22). This being true; we may have confidence that
everything that happens in our life has been secured to work within the Father’s
will for our lives. How can we not
praise Him, then…in all things? In the
same epistle, Paul instructs that we should be “giving thanks
always for all things unto Elohim and the Father in the name of our Master
Yahushua Messiah.” This
attitude is absolutely a fundamental to being a disciple.
2. Bought with a Price – “For ye
are bought with a price: therefore glorify Elohim in your body, and in your spirit, which are Elohim’s.” This concept is integral to all that you will
learn in your discipleship to Messiah.
If you think that you have retained your right to determine the course
of your life, make your own decisions, do whatever appeals to you, you have
bought into a religious culture. You
have not bowed your knee to the Master; because true faith is not the receiving
of a free gift; it is in the rejection of your own life to become enslaved to
the Master. We, who are men and women of
faith, are the purchased possession of Messiah. He died to buy us out of the slave market of
bondage to sin; that He might present us blameless to his Father. He does not do that by leading a rabble of
independent people in the general direction of his Father; but by training and orchestrating
disciples who, responding to his every command, function as a single body.
With these two fundamentals in place, the
way we read and understand Scripture will change. For decades, it has been very popular to look
at the Scriptures as an “owner’s manual” for how man can obtain a better life for
himself. You find “promises” made by IAUE and then hold
Him to it; as though He works for us.
Case in point:
5 Commit thy way unto IAUE; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
For much of the current “church,” this
verse is like a pot of gold. They read it
like this:
“Go through the outward motions of
looking like you are really committed to IAUE; act like He is your chief joy in
life; and it is better if you can make others actually believe it is true. When you have done that, IAUE becomes your
genie in a bottle; and whatever you want, He will give it to you.” They quote this verse in prayer when they
tell Him what they want Him to give them to make sure He realizes He is on the
hook for doing what He promised.
This kind of thinking betrays the lack
of repentance, the lack of servanthood, and the utter misunderstanding of what
Messiah died to produce in us. This is
the thinking that permeates contemporary Christianity; and the sad thing is,
pride and ego is so pervasive that it does not permit an honest self
When the Scripture commands us to
delight in IAUE, it means we are to come to know IAUE as intimately as possible
so we might know and understand His attributes, and the way He is and wants to
be toward us. Like David said in an
early Psalm:
Psalm 34:8
O taste and see that IAUE is
good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Footnote: If you have questions, or would like to interact regarding any of the posts in this blog, please feel free to email me: kaprion@gmail.com
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