Sunday, July 7, 2013




1 Timothy 6:3  If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Master Yahushua Messiah, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
4  He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
5  Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
6  But godliness with contentment is great gain.
7  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8  And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
9  But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
11  But thou, O man of Elohim, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

When I was in basic training for the U.S. Army, the drill sergeants, on the very first day, told us that they were going to break us down, then build us up.  If we were fat; we were going to lose weight.  If we were skinny; we were going to gain weight; and all of us were going to wish we were dead by the end of the first week.  It was true that by the end of the first week, we were all tired, sore, exhausted…every muscle ached.  Our bodies were being put through rigors of both demand and denial; and for a month, we were experiencing all manner of changes; most of which hurt.  By the end of the second month, we were no longer hurting; but were getting stronger, gaining endurance and confidence; and by the end of basic training, we were, for the most part, stronger and more physically fit than we had ever been in our lives.

Reading the posts in this blog that have preceded this one, it has been fairly apparent that much of them have seemed to be quite negative.  Kind words have been lacking for contemporary Christianity and for contemporary Christian leadership.  There is a reason for this; and it has not been to be negative for negativity’s sake.  You cannot build upon a faulty structure.  The building will simply topple and be destroyed.  Much of what the typical believer has been taught and the mindsets that have become the norm in Christian circles for the past millennium are simply wrong.  This thinking has to be broken down before the building blocks of genuine discipleship may be erected.  Wrong thinking undermines the best of intentions.  The apostle Paul, as a wise masterbuilder (1 Cor 3:10) was keenly aware of this.

Rom 12:2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of Elohim.

2 Cor 10:5  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah;

This knowledge is ancient.  See the words of Solomon:

Prov 14:12; 16:25  There is a way that seemeth right to a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.

If we are not careful to insure that our thinking is correct; the entire course of our lives will be directed astray from the narrow path that leads unto life.  All too often, however, the instinctive defensiveness of pride and ignorance is raised as a barrier to Truth.  For most believers, there is a satisfaction, a contentedness with status quo.  They do not want their boats rocked with ideas that do not conform to their current church, fellowship group, or circle of friends.  Anything outside of the acceptable norms will make them a pariah; and being an accepted part of the group/crowd, is more important to them than obedience to Messiah.  Let’s do a quick recap of these posts and observe how this works.

The Names – It does not take a college degree to comprehend that if the letter “J” did not then and does not now exist in the Hebrew language; and that it did not exist in other languages until circa 1500 AD, then the Master’s name could not possibly be “Jesus.”  The idea that no one on this planet ever called him “Jesus” for 1½ millennia should make a rational thinking person reevaluate continuing to call the Son of the Creator of the universe a name that did not even exist for 1,500 years after his death, burial, resurrection and ascension to the right hand of Elohim.  There is a wild arrogance associated with this insistence on using an Anglicized name that is derived from a Latin translation (Iesus) of a corrupt Greek transliteration (Iesous) of a Hebrew name, when there is no good reason not to call him what His Father called him.  It does not take long, however, to realize that if you return to your church group and no longer use the name “Jesus” but instead call him, “Yahushua,” that you could quite readily be ostracized, or asked to stop calling him that, or even be asked to leave the church.  Such ejections from church fellowship have occurred for far less a reason than this. Imagine, however, the mindset that refuses to make this change in names? If your name was Yaqob, and I persisted in calling you Jimmy, even after it was clarified that your name is not Jimmy, but is Yaqob; what kind of person would that make me?  What would you think of me; and what would your father think of me? Just how much more of true spiritual life is corrupted by this arrogance of heart that considers acceptance by the group more important than obedience to the Master? 

The Fear of IAUE – “God” and “Lord” are inappropriate terms to be used of the Creator, because both are Anglicized versions of the names of pagan deities; and neither term is His name, despite the widespread use of them as the name of the Creator.  Possessing the Fear of IAUE is not possible without making the transition away from knowing Him and calling Him “God” and “LORD,” to knowing Him and calling Him by His revealed name, IAUE (pronounced “ee-ah-oo-eh).  Since we know from Scripture that the Fear of IAUE is the beginning of wisdom and the beginning of knowledge; what does that say about the wisdom and knowledge we currently purport to possess; and again, what arrogance is demonstrated by our refusal to make this transition based on the fear of rejection from the group?  How many other aspects of our spiritual life are affected by this fear that prevents our obedience?

The Gospel – The true gospel is a command to repent.  The contemporary message that passes for the gospel is an invitation to accept a savior and have our lives bettered by a loving Father.  The true gospel requires the forfeiture of personal control and demands constant and continuous obedience.  The false gospel promises eternal security and a better life, now; and obedience is perceived to be a gift we offer him out of thankful hearts; leaving disobedience an ever present option.  Embracing the true gospel message after having accepted the invitation to receive a “free gift” of forgiveness and eternal life is hardly a desirable option to most.  Just imagine the arrogance and pride that would preclude repentance and bowing the knee to a Master. It would single you out…make you different from the masses who have no understanding of genuine repentance; and who would find the notion repugnant to their Christian culture.  This brings us to…

The Yoke – Taking upon ourselves the yoke of the Master is the first lesson in discipleship. Servanthood, meekness, lowliness of heart, these are the traits the Master treasures in his followers. These traits, however, interfere with one’s upward mobility in the church, today; because contemporary Christianity favors more aggressive traits and blesses with leadership and recognition the opposite values.  Because the human need for acceptance and recognition is so great, the yoke is often rejected for the values that secure these fleshly human needs.  Since most never responded to the true gospel that requires repentance, self-will and self-preservation are still anchored within the heart, making this first order of obedience an impossibility.

The Right Attitude – Blessing IAUE at all times; letting His praise always be in our mouth interferes with the fleshly right to criticize, grumble, complain, gossip, etc.  Accepting a free gift of salvation secures in man’s heart the notion that life is and always has been all about him. It requires repentance and a paradigm shift in thinking to embrace the idea that life is all about IAUE; and not about man's own interests. 

Bought with a Price – This means we are slaves; but the western man (especially in the USA) has a national history that proclaims the message that slavery is wrong; thus to be any man’s slave, even of Yahushua the Messiah, is wrong.  It is a message that is rejected based on wrong thinking.  The “free gift invitation” gospel interferes with this message, making servanthood an option rather than an obligation.  If praying “the magic prayer” (“Dear Jesus, forgive me and come into my heart.  I accept you as my Lord and Savior.”) makes me a forgiven child of the Most High; then I don’t have to do ANYTHING for the rest of my life except what I want to do.  Since my eternity has been guaranteed, why would I do anything I don’t want to do?

You can readily see that it is imperative that we correct wrong-thinking.  If we hold on to ideas that are false, they can overthrow our discipleship.  This brings us to one more fundamental concept that must be addressed.

1 Timothy 3:6  supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

One of the most resilient messages preached in the world, today, is known as the “Prosperity” message.  I first heard it being proclaimed in 1972; and the Scriptures used seemed to be sound and my flesh sure liked the idea of having a blessed life and, in particular, lots of money.  The only ones actually prospering from the message were the preachers.  The prosperity message draws a huge collection plate.  People listening to the message are instructed to partner with the preacher’s ministry and thus partake of their blessings in ministry.  The very nature of the message is selfish and fleshly.  Paul counters the prosperity message with:

1 Timothy 3:6  But godliness with contentment is great gain.

Paul reverses the construction of the sentence; from “gain is godliness;” to “godliness with contentment is great gain.”  The prosperity message implies that physical prosperity (money, possessions, etc.) evidences godliness, evidences the blessing of Elohim on your life.  Paul, instead dismisses this idea.

1 Timothy 3:7  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8  And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

When have you ever heard the prosperity preachers quoting this verse?  When have you heard them provide you a list of New Testament believers who demonstrated what they are preaching?  There aren’t any.  What you see in the New Testament are disciples who no longer counted their lives dear to themselves; but forfeited all of their rights unto the Master who received their complete obedience.

To move into genuine discipleship, we have to let go of this naive insistence on self-rule and self-interest.  We are no longer our own.  We do not have the right to impose our own evaluations of the Master’s direction in our life.  Anything that interferes with obedience must be honestly confronted and resolved in order to press on as a disciple.

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