Sunday, August 10, 2014




2 Corinthians 4:6  For Elohim, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of Elohim in the face of Yahushua Messiah.
7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of Elohim, and not of us.

Last week’s post ended with this comment: 
We cannot move on in our discipleship from this point if we do not
realistically address this urgent need in our lives and act as the Scripture
expects us to act in confessing our sins to each other.  Not until then is
there forgiveness and cleansing from unrighteousness; and without that,
you can forget your discipleship to Yahushua.


Let’s face it.  Let’s admit to ourselves that the ONLY reason you or I would not readily confess his/her sin to another is pride.  Well, let’s face this as well.  Elohim resists the proud.  He gives His grace only to the humble (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5); and it is by grace that we are saved.  

How is it that we find ourselves continuously doing those things that our discipleship to Yahushua prohibits?  It is because we have not purified our hearts and renewed our minds.  As we have said a few times now in prior lessons, we MUST have a renewed mind that no longer thinks like men think, in order that the actions of our body might be given automatically to the performance of the will of Elohim.  Without a renewed mind, this is the process:

  1. Elohim reveals His will to our spirit. 
  2. Our conscience perceives what Elohim has placed in our spirit.
  3. The conscience relays His will through our heart to our understanding. 
  4. An unrenewed mind takes note of the revelation of Elohim's will and then makes its judgment upon it. 
  5. Our own will decides what we will do and the body acts accordingly.
In so doing, even if we judge that we will do the revealed will of Elohim, we are still in prideful disobedience, for we have consented only that it is not inconvenient to our self-interest to do what He wants us to do; thus maintaining the ascendency of our own will over the will of Elohim.

Let me see if I can make this clearer.  When we believe that we have received divine guidance...when we perceive in our understanding anything that Elohim wants us to do or say; and we "evaluate" Elohim's will in terms of its practicality, its benefit, its risks or its cost to us, we are not thinking with a renewed mind.  We are thinking in that same self-preservation mode that cost Yahushua His life; where, upon the stake He endured the shame and the reproach of all men's worst imaginations, and bore Elohim's judgment upon man's sinful will.

A renewed mind looks unto the hearing of the Father's will as His daily bread.  A renewed mind does not evaluate Elohim's will in terms of personal preferences or even based upon human embarrassment, inconvenience, cost, pain or suffering.  Yahushua never promised that following the Father's will was going to be a cake-walk.  The New Testament writers assure us that a life of discipleship to Yahushua necessarily involves suffering.  Discipleship to Yahushua mandates that our minds become renewed by the Word of Elohim to recognize the will of Elohim as though it were our own will.  We never violate our own will. We trust it implicitly.  We must recognize, however, that OUR will is unreliable and wicked; and only the will of IAUE can be trusted implicitly.  We can only trust our own will to lead us in the wrong direction every time.

2 Corinthians 4:6  For Elohim, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of Elohim in the face of Yahushua Messiah.

Yahushua knew exactly what He was doing when He commanded His disciples to go out into the world and preach REPENTANCE and remission of sins in His name.  Elohim gives grace to the humble.  Repentance is the act of a humbled man.  Through humility we become vulnerable to Elohim, allowing Him access to our walled hearts.  In that instant of vulnerability, He shines "the light of the knowledge of the glory of Elohim in the face of Yahushua Messiah" and we are born of His Spirit.  The light of that knowledge permeates our "issues" and reveals the love and goodness of IAUE in such a way as to begin to melt the mortar of the brick walls of our hearts.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of Elohim, and not of us.

The plan of Elohim is that His very life and nature be revealed in our lives just as it was in the life of His only-begotten son, Yahushua.  If you will recall, Yahushua said that He came to do the will of His Father which was in Heaven.  He also said that He does always the things that please His Father

We have already observed the process of how the Word of Elohim becomes flesh in our lives.  He reveals Himself to our newborn spirit, whether by revelation of truth in the scriptures or His spoken word or dreams or visions...and our conscience perceives it.  The conscience then communicates it to our understanding where our mind becomes aware of what has been given to us within our spirit.  The mind consents to the revelation, that it is good and worthy, and the will of man yields to the will of Elohim, letting that truth be expressed in our words and actions.   As we renew our minds to consent to the will of Elohim that it is good and acceptable and perfect in all things, this process eventually becomes automatic; such that when He reveals something to our spirit, our bodies react.  Yes, this really is a possibility.  

This is truly an amazing privilege that the Messiah brings to every man who bows to His Mastery.  It is such a glory in the earth that it is evident "that the excellency of the power" is unquestionably "of Elohim, and not of us."

But, alas, there are those...issues.  We have patterns of behavior that have been developed through the years.  We have walls that we did not address in our conscious minds when we gave our lives to Yahushua.  You can readily recognize them in others.  You may know what they are in you.  In absolutely every instance, we began to build those walls in our hearts because (listen to this carefully) we resisted the grace of Elohim and reacted sinfully to the events, experiences or circumstances that were the catalysts to our wall-building.

"But, we have this treasure in earthen vessels."  Look at the following verses.  We will see Paul explain how a kingdom heart reacts to those kinds of formulative experiences of life.

2 Corinthians 4:8 We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;
Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

When trouble approached on every side; Paul did not react in distress.  When he was perplexed or confused with the circumstances of his life, Paul did not despair. When he was persecuted, Paul did not feel like he had been forsaken by Elohim and man.  When he was cast down, belittled, ridiculed, insulted, accused, etc., Paul did not let that destroy him.

Note that in each category of hardship and suffering, Paul did not find it an occasion to blame Elohim; thus his conscience always remained clean and pure before Him.  And because He did not blame Elohim or question the wisdom or goodness of His purposes or motives; Paul had no call to react negatively to his oppressors or toward the hurtful experiences.  This enabled Paul to keep the understanding of his heart clean and pure.

What was his secret?  It is revealed in the next verse.

2 Corinthians 4:10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Master Yahushua, that the life also of Yahushua might be made manifest in our body.

Paul took up his stake daily and followed Yahushua.  He identified with the impaled Son of IAUE in his reproach and shame and agreed and consented with the justice of Elohim in condemning sin in the flesh.  This released Paul from trusting in his own will and human wisdom and intellect, thrusting him into a devoted dependency upon the will of his Master.  This daily stake-bearing kept Paul's heart humble and protected him against pride.  It made him a recipient of the grace of Elohim (which is the power that Elohim gives to do His will).  In other words, it facilitated the process..."that the life also of Yahushua might be made manifest" in his body.  This is one of the secrets of discipleship: to learn to recognize the utter unreliability and untrustworthiness of our own will, even in the smallest of decisions; and to learn to completely trust in the reliability and goodness of the will of IAUE.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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