Saturday, July 2, 2016




1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice evermore.

Disciples are often complaining that they don’t know what IAUE’s will for their life is; when it is here in black and white.  We are to give thanks, all the time, in all things.  This is the will of IAUE in Messiah Yahushua concerning us.  We cannot begin to walk in the will of IAUE in other areas if we will not do that which is already so plainly and clearly expressed to us as His will.

IAUE has accomplished through His son, all that was needed to put man back on track to conform him to the likeness of IAUE (Genesis 1:26).  We have come to understand that what that means is that He has restored righteousness within man’s spirit and He has unlocked the door to that righteousness, that it might permeate and conform the soul of man to its nature and character, making us more and more like our Father as we persist in letting it flow through us.

One thing we can know for certain; the soul is not transformed by simply learning what the will of IAUE is.  We were created to DO the will of IAUE, not just to KNOW it.  To the degree we learn what the will of IAUE is and do not do it, the Scripture says we are merely deceiving ourselves (James 1:22). Knowledge without obedience is disobedience.  Using an electrical analogy, if what is in the spirit does not reach the body, there is no current that will flow through the soul.  Where the power of IAUE is not, the soul is not changed.

You might have certain prominent ministers in mind at this point…people who have studied the Scriptures a lot, more than you; and they “know” stuff…stuff that can impress you; but their lives have not been changed by what they preach due to a lack of any DOING of what they preach.  By not doing what they know, what they know is without the power to change their souls. The current does not yet flow through the soul to the body in obedience to the will of IAUE. They are yet carnal.  They are proud; and IAUE resists the proud.

In our last post we introduced a concept that will help kick-start the process in your life of conforming to the likeness of IAUE.  The only way that happens is by abandoning ourselves to the performance of His will; and though we may have never thought of this way before, when the Scripture tells us to do something, we can know that is the same thing as IAUE saying out loud to us, “This is what I want you, (put your name here) to do.”  We do not have to wait to hear a word spoken to us any more personally than this.  The Scriptures ARE personal; and they reveal the Father’s will.  Last week we read in the Scriptures that we are to give thanks in all things; in everything give thanks because THIS IS THE WILL OF IAUE IN MESSIAH YAHUSHUA CONCERNING US.

Did you practice doing that this past week?  It didn’t turn out to be as simple a task as expected, did it? Do you know why it was more complicated than you thought it would be?  It is because the pathway from the spirit to the body was obstructed by a heart that still resists the will of IAUE, a mind that needs to be renewed, a will that is still proud, and emotions that were more in tune with the flesh than with the spirit.  In other words, we need to grow up.

After we thank IAUE for having a night’s rest, for the sunshine or the rain, for our friends and family, for a job that provides for us, for our relationship with Him, etc., only five minutes have passed and we still have another 14 hours before we go to sleep.  What on earth are we going to say for the next 24 hours? You see, we have to be able to see or recognize the hand of IAUE working in our lives to know why we can give thanks to Him in all things.  When our minds are yet unrenewed, we tend to automatically evaluate the “all things” in our lives based on how they bless or inconvenience us in the natural world.  We need to thank Him anyway.  That completes the circuit and draws the life of the spirit through the soul and outward into the body.  If we persist in it, we can detect fairly readily that it is changing us on the inside.  Our soul discovers a new dimension of walking in the spirit that is transformative.  It is really just that simple.  So, keep on thanking Him in everything.

Now we move to another easy way to help effect the transformation of the soul.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice evermore.

This is the will of IAUE concerning us.  It is clear and unmistakable.  We are to rejoice always.  Rejoicing simply means to express the joy that is within us.  Joy is a powerful force invested within our newborn spirit.  It functions very much like a seed, that when watered and cultivated bears fruit. (Hint:  This is the process of bringing EVERYTHING out of our spirit.) Joy is an attribute of our newborn spirit.  Rejoicing is the fruit of joy manifested by our body.

Today, my wife and I flew from Austin to Denver for the weekend (the 4th of July is her birthday).  We had made reservations for a rental car and prepaid the fee.  When we took the shuttle from the airport to the rental car lot, we stepped off the shuttle only to form the end of a line of about 60 people waiting to rent a car.  The counter was literally 30 yards long with 16 separate stations for clerks to attend to the customers wanting to rent cars…only there were only two clerks working the counter; and they did not seem to be in much of a hurry.  A man who was about 40 people in front of us said he had been in line for an hour and a half.  “Naturally,” (literally, out of my flesh) I began to wonder out loud to my wife what was the point of a reservation if we have to wait forever in a line of people who had not made reservations.  She smiled at me and reminded me of who we are in Messiah; and I remembered (I had already begun to write this post while in Austin) that the first two words of my blog this week were “Rejoice evermore.”

Immediately, we began to thank IAUE in the present circumstance, and to rejoice in Him.  The release from our spirit was immediate, and joy began to seize our souls.  Within a couple of minutes there were seven people working the counter, and the line began to move more swiftly.  By the time we neared the end of the line there was a different spirit in the entire hall (not that anyone could hear us giving thanks to IAUE and rejoicing in Him…it was simply the release of the power of the Holy Spirit through our obedience to His will), more and more people began to laugh and make jokes; and the oppressiveness of the circumstances were lightened to a virtual life-comedy.  When people went up to the clerks as their time arrived, they were not nasty to the clerks.  They were friendly and smiling.  The release of the power of the Holy Spirit through thanksgiving and joy destroyed the anger, depression and irritation.

I share that illustration to make a point.  IAUE does not require that we do His will as an end in itself.  IAUE wants us to do His will also because it releases His power through us to those around us.  It also changes us…and that is the point of this series of studies.

Try to make a conscious point of giving thanks in everything on a daily basis; and to rejoice in IAUE and in Yahushua all the time.  This is work at first; but the more we do it; the more the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit is effected in us and through us.  That only gives us more reason to be thankful and to rejoice.  It feeds upon itself like an endless loop, growing greater and greater within us…to the transformation of the soul.  Get it?

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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