Sunday, August 7, 2016




John 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

In your study or reading of the Scriptures this week, look for things the Scripture declares that Messiah is made unto us, things that IAUE says are true of us, things that He has provided to and for us; and things that are prayed in the Scriptures for believers.  Personalize them and speak them back to IAUE.  By this time next week, you will have undergone more transformation of the soul.

Last week we began our study observing how IAUE arranged for the souls of his people to be saturated with His words.  They were to teach them to their children and talk of them when they arose in the morning, when they went along their way and when they sat in their house, and when they went to bed at night.  They wore His words on their hand and hung them upon their doorposts.  There was no time or place where they were not in constant reminder of the words of IAUE. 

Also, when Joshua led the Hebrews into their promised land, they were instructed to eradicate the land of every man, woman and child of the pagan nations that occupied the land that IAUE had given to His people.  Why?  It was to sterilize the land of the social orders that violated the will of IAUE.  These nations were polytheistic (worshipped many gods) and practiced all manner of debauchery and wickedness.  IAUE did not want His people even to have the opportunity to learn how to think like them…to experience their waywardness in mind or experience.  He protected His people so they would BELIEVE in Him and in His words. 

Today, the church, for the most part, is filled with people that do not discuss the scriptures when they wake up, walk out of their houses, sit in their houses, or lie down at night.  They rarely read the Bible, and when they do, they call it their “quiet time” which usually takes about 5-10 minutes; and that often is reading a verse or two of Scripture and a couple of paragraphs of commentary in some devotional booklet.  Spending these few minutes in devotional thought makes them feel like they are pretty spiritual and living the Christian life better than most. The rest of their day is filled with the cares of this world, yearning for things this world offers, longing for a better lifestyle, filling their ears with worldly music, worldly news, television, and virtually no conversation about the words of IAUE.

In the beginning, Satan was successful at overthrowing mankind’s mind with witchcraft, sorcery, idolatry and sexual perversion.  They fell for it hook, line and sinker.  They wanted to know the very depths of experience that was available to them.  Today, he accomplishes the same level of overthrow of the minds of the people of IAUE with comforts, food, conveniences, and entertainment, entertainment and entertainment…anything to occupy the minds of the saints to keep them from meditating on the words of IAUE, and making them feel quite satisfied with their quiet time.  It is little wonder that the church has nothing to offer the world around them.  They ARE the world around them.

When I was a young boy being raised in the Baptist church, for many years I assimilated the “church” experience, thinking this is all there was to being a Christian: attending church and its related meetings, and incorporating its culture into my day to day living; but then…I was born again.  I began to actually read the Scriptures.  I was hungry for all that I had been missing all those years in church.  In my reading, I came upon our opening text.  In particular, verse 12.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

This verse launched a period of great dissatisfaction within my soul.  Week after week, I sat in church and wondered what happened between Yahushua speaking these words and the contemporary Christian experience. In my spirit, these words rang true to me; but did he actually mean what he said?  Even asking myself that question seemed pretty stupid to me.  He began the verse with “Verily, verily,” or in today’s speech, “I am telling you the truth.  This is the truth.” 

For two years, I sought the answer as to why this verse seemed to be ignored by the church.  It was as if it were simply too good to be true.  I asked preachers about this verse and they tip-toed around a literal interpretation.  They said that leading someone to Messiah was the greater work to which the verse referred; but that did not ring true since Messiah himself said that if he be lifted up he would draw all men unto himself; nor did it answer the question about doing the same works Messiah did.  Why overlook that to speak only to the greater works?  Messiah said we would do both. The church simply did not believe Messiah’s words.  It did not matter that Messiah said he only spoke the words his Father gave him to speak; so these were the words of IAUE.

After two years of this angst and pursuit of the truth of these words, I was brought to a place where IAUE filled me with his Holy Spirit, and the power spoken of in Acts 1 became my personal experience.  In the following months, I experienced all nine gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12.  I began to experience the supernatural that was intended to be the normal experience of a disciple. I began to do the works Messiah did. I didn’t get to that place by sitting quietly in a pew each Sunday, because if I limited myself to that, I would still be warming a pew on Sunday mornings.  I had to renew my mind.  I had to change what I was listening to, change what I was reading, and change my associations with people.   

If we are born of the Spirit of IAUE, the Kingdom of Heaven literally FILLS our spirit.  There is a wondrous world of glory, virtue, truth and power residing within us; however, as long as we allow the world around us to captivate our minds, teaching us its ways and expectations, we remain far from the release of the spirit; because our minds will believe the world more than we believe the words of IAUE, just like we have refused to believe John 14:12.  The Kingdom of Heaven is bigger than our heads.  Its greatness within us is so far beyond what the world will allow us to believe.  We must reject the world as our teacher. We must regard all of the world’s lessons as lies in any area where it contradicts what IAUE has said. 

We will never become proper emissaries of the Kingdom of Heaven that is within us until our minds eradicate the wicked input of every man, woman and child who does not serve the Master Yahushua; and as long as our souls do not recognize and attribute the wickedness to it that it merits, we will still cater to it.  There is a way that seems right to a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death.  IAUE has given us His words and His Spirit to fill us and transform our souls to embrace the righteousness, peace and joy of His Kingdom.

The transformation of the soul into the likeness of IAUE, for most believers is not even an objective.  For the 2% who will not be satisfied with less, with just living the Christian culture, there must be a dedicated pursuit of the words of IAUE, turning a deaf ear to all that the world would speak to us.  This will require commitment and discipline.  We are but a choice away from the fruits of righteousness filling our souls.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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