Sunday, April 15, 2018



2 Peter 3:3 …there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

This verse describes the contemporary Christian condition. There is no sense of urgency to share Yahushua with others.  There is no sense of a need to repent or to call others to repentance. There is no awareness that the time is short.  After all, what has changed since we came to Messiah?  For that matter, what has changed in the past 2,000 years (assuming we aren’t students of history or of the Scriptures to know better). Everything is as it has always been…or so we think.

Contemporary Christianity focuses on getting the unbeliever to “pray the magic prayer” that suddenly makes them a born-again Christian who is now assured of going to Heaven when they die.  There is no emphasis on a changed life or of walking uprightly before IAUE, or even walking uprightly with our fellow man.  Instead, we now fill up their lives with attendance at church and Sunday School and the odd bible study, etc. It is just enough to create an atmosphere of a group-culture that does not focus on the lostness of those around them; or of the holiness of the Creator who has repeatedly commanded His people to be holy as He is holy.  Nope, none of that serious stuff is required; so very few bother with it; after all, nothing ever really changes. We are just biding our time, living our lives to the best of our ability to enjoy life until we die and go to Heaven.

We read the Scriptures and we see a Creator forming the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars with a word. 

We see Seraphim, and Cherubim, and Angels and Arch-Angels.

We see a man being formed out of the dust of the earth and becoming the father of the race of mankind.

We see a seraphim (the great serpent) appearing in a garden to work his wiles against Eve.

We see angels coming down to take the form of men and forcing themselves upon the daughters of man to produce a race of giants. 

We see a flood destroying all that is living upon the earth; and a new beginning for mankind when the waters recede.

We see a man, Moses, hold up a staff and a river divides and heaps up into walls of water to allow a nation of people to walk over dry-shod.  We see the same kind of thing happen 40 years later with another man, Joshua, to allow the Hebrews to cross over the flooded banks of the Jordan River. 

We see the Messiah born of a virgin, who later heals the sick, heals the lame, casts out demonic spirits, raises the dead, cures the leper, and rises from the dead, himself. 

Not long after that, we see a room full of disciples being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in languages they have not learned, declaring the mighty acts of Elohim.

We then see the apostles healing the sick and casting out demons and raising the dead. 

We see an angel appearing to free Peter from prison; and a body of disciples so familiar with the interaction of angels they are more inclined to believe it is an angel at their door rather than Peter for whom they were praying to be released from prison.

We see Philip casting out demons and healing the sick in Samaria. 

We see Paul doing signs and wonders virtually everywhere he travels through three missionary journeys…and, today, we hardly believe in the supernatural at all.  That all happened back then; but nothing has deviated from the drudgery of human existence since then.

Our faith is based on one miracle after another, one supernatural event after another.  There could be no discipleship to Messiah without a clear understanding that even our participation with him begins with a creative miracle of the new birth.  We are a supernatural people.  If we do not believe in contemporary miracles or the supernatural, then why would any of us ever pray about anything at all?  Isn’t prayer seeking a supernatural resolution produced by divine intervention to some matter?

Over the past several weeks, we have discussed the existence of bloodlines of people on the earth that are not even human.  They look like they are of the race of Adam; but they are not.  I believe it will not be much longer before their bodily forms are changed to be what they really look like; and are joined by the giants who have been living beneath the earth for millennia.  The world will believe it has been invaded by an alien race; but it will simply be the race of the seed of the serpent that has been with us since Genesis 6; and which long ago took the reins of power in government and finance in most countries on Earth.

The Vatican has been in league with the seed of the serpent for centuries. Many of the members of the church hierarchy participate in masses that worship and pledge allegiance to Lucifer.  Many in the leadership are regular customers in sodomite bars in Rome. Recently, the Pope has announced two rather startling things.  One: the Catholic Church is prepared to baptize aliens; and two: Hell never really existed. This isn’t the belief system of the millions of Catholics around the world; and soon they will be forced to make a life-altering decision.

The offspring of the Nephilim believe they have a birthright to power because they can trace their lineage back to the Watchers. (Every false religion on the earth can be traced back to the worship of the Nephilim, the giants that were “the mighty ones” who became the gods of every religion.) They will appear and tell us that they are our “parents” who seeded our planet millennia ago.  They will perform signs and wonders; and the whole world will fall for their deception…except for the elect.

Such language seems nonsensical to most Christians; because they have forsaken the supernatural nature of their faith.  It seems so over the top that it is ridiculous to them.  They are willingly ignorant that the supernatural and the interdimensional interaction of spirits with man permeate the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. 

Hebrews 13:2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

How often do you suppose that happens today?  I know in my personal experience, I have interacted directly with angels at least on two separate occasions; but this verse suggests there are times we entertain the company of angels and never know it.

The Scriptures tell us that the angels are very involved with the disciples of Messiah.

Hebrews 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

How many is “all?”

Hebrews 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living Elohim, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,

Rev 5:21 And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

When you begin to allow for the supernatural and the interdimensional (the spirit world interacting with the physical world), your life as a believer will take on a new paradigm, a new perspective from which to evaluate the evidence you will see and experience in this world.  This paradigm is an absolute must as a preparation for what is coming over the horizon.

The seed war has never stopped.  For the past 2,000 years, for the most part, the seed of the serpent has been acting quietly behind the scenes. Though very active, especially in Europe, the reality of who they are has been veiled.  They are about to rip away the covers and make a daring move to rule the world. If we are still acting like nothing is ever going to change; and we are just waiting to go to Heaven when we die, we will be their first victims.

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