Sunday, October 4, 2015

THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT – XVI - (The Working of Miracles - I)




1 Corinthians 12:10  To another the working of miracles…

“The working of miracles” is actually quite an unfortunate rendering of the name of this gift.  In the Greek text, this is the “energema” of “dunamis,” which literally is “the operation of power” or “the working of power.”  Presumably, the translators used the word “miracles” because the exercise of power through this gift always resulted in the miraculous.

Matthew 11:20 Then began he to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works (dunamis) were done, because they repented not:
21 Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works (dunamis), which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.
22 But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.
23 And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works (dunamis), which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.

The “mighty works” (dunamis) is a term that referred generally to all of the supernatural ministry of Messiah, which included:  healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing the lepers and casting out demons.  In this passage of Scripture, the demonstration of the Spirit and power by Yahushua was sufficient evidence of the Kingdom of IAUE to have warranted the repentance of all who witnessed it.  Such mighty works will testify against the unrepentant in the day of judgment. (Can you now see why signs and wonders necessarily accompany the presentation of the gospel?  Without them, the Kingdom of IAUE does not come near those who only hear the gospel, and see not the mighty works.  Faith is not borne of miracles.  They simply give evidence to the truth and the authority and power of the gospel and they hold men accountable for rejecting the gospel.)

Now, we already know that we shall receive power after the Holy Spirit has come upon us (Acts 1:8), and that the power referred to is manifested in the gifts of the Spirit, generally; but this gift, “the working of miracles” is not constrained or limited by specific manifestations, like healing, the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, etc.  This gift is the enablement to dispense the power of IAUE in whatever manner it is needed in order to accomplish the will of IAUE.  The one to whom is given this empowering grace functions much like the SWAT team of the Body of Messiah.  Let me explain.

Consider the role of the policeman.  He wears a uniform and a badge that represents the authority bestowed upon him to maintain order in the kingdom.  When a policeman asks you to stop your car; you stop your car. When he asks you to stand back from a location, you stand back from the location. Why do you do this?  It is because you recognize and respond to their authority.  Not all, however, are as cooperative with the authority of a policeman as you.  There are those who resist their authority. In those situations, the uniform and the badge are not enough to maintain the peace.  That is when the policeman resorts to power by drawing his weapon.  The weapon no longer speaks of the policeman’s authority.  All eyes are focused on the dispenser of power, and that is the only thing that matters at that point.  The resister now succumbs, not to the uniform or the badge, but to the pistol, the power.

You will recall from our prior posts on the gifts of healing, we noted that ALL disciples have the AUTHORITY to heal the sick in conjunction with the presentation of the gospel message.  All believers do NOT have the POWER to heal the sick apart from the presentation of the gospel.  There is a big difference between authority and power, as we observed in our policeman illustration above. 

Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

We may deduce from this passage that as with healing the sick, all believers have the AUTHORITY to cast out demons in conjunction with the presentation of the gospel message; but all believers do not have the POWER to do so when it is not in conjunction with presenting the gospel.  When confirming the gospel, it is not the gifts of healing, or the working of power that is in manifestation.  It is Messiah working through the believer to confirm the Word.

Mark 16:20  And they went forth, and preached every where, the Master working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

When Messiah sent out the 12, he gave them power AND authorityauthority AND power.

Luke 9:1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power (dunamis) and authority (exousia) over all demons, and to cure diseases.
And he sent them to preach the kingdom of IAUE, and to heal the sick.

Note the distinction the Master makes in these verses.  It is very important for us to understand.  He makes a distinction between healing the sick (v.2) and casting out demons, which includes curing diseases (v.1).  Though both sickness and disease ultimately are traceable to a root cause found in sin/disobedience to the will of IAUE; sickness is not the consequence of demonic spirits; but diseases are.  Diseases differ from sicknesses in that they are also referred to as afflictions and infirmities.  Sicknesses, for the most part, will run their course and cease to trouble the body.  Diseases, more often than not, are intent on killing their victims or tormenting them permanently.  This difference should alert the believer to understand that the affliction is the result of a demonic spirit, and healing is not needed in these circumstances. Deliverance is.

When dealing with demons, authority alone is not always enough.  You also need power.   If you do not cast out the evil spirit from a diseased person, you will not cure the person.  As we discussed in our last post, the Scriptures record several occasions where a person recovers from a malady as a consequence of an evil spirit being cast out, or the person being “loosed” from their affliction/infirmity.  Though we discussed it in our study of the gifts of healing; this is more accurately a manifestation of the working of power.  Let’s take another look at those examples.

In Mark 1:40-42, the leper came to Yahushua and Yahushua touched him and said “I will; be thou clean,” and “immediately the leprosy departed from him.”  This was a declaration of power over the leper to become clean.  He could not become clean with the demon of leprosy still in his body; so the demon HAD to leave his body for the man to become clean.  Power drove out the demon.

In Luke 13:11-13, Yahushua saw a woman who had been bowed over for 18 years.  He called to her and said, “Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity;” and “immediately she was made straight.”  The Master did not speak to the demon. He simply declared the woman to be free; and the demon had to leave in order for the Master’s words to be fulfilled in the woman’s experience.  This was the working of power, not a healing.

In Matthew 8:14-15, Peter’s mother-in-law was “sick of a fever.”  Messiah “touched her hand and the fever left her.”  Messiah did not speak to the demon; but the demon had to leave because of the power that was transmitted from Yahushua into Peter’s mother-in-law.

Casting out demons is one of the principle manifestations of the gift of the working of power.  It is the bringing to bear the power of the Kingdom of IAUE where His authority is not respected.  Let me share an illustration of this.

Many years ago, a group of people I knew convened at another person’s home who had requested help with deliverance of an evil spirit. They gathered around her and commanded the spirit to leave her body…and did so for nearly two hours, when the Spirit lead yet another believer to the house, who knew nothing of what was going on inside.  When they answered the door and saw her, they were very pleased that she had come; and they explained to her that they had been trying to cast out this demon for two hours but it had been resisting leaving. This woman calmly walked inside, looked at the person and simply said, “Come out,” and immediately the spirit left.  This is the difference between authority and power when it comes to casting out demons.  Many demons will leave when confronted with one having authority; but not all of them will. ALL demons respond to the power of IAUE.

In 1975, my wife and I were visiting an Assembly of God church one Sunday morning.  The minister of music led the “praise and worship service” with the assistance of a skilled choir and organist.  He moved from song to song until he found the song to which the congregation responded; then he began repeating choruses and doing key changes, working up the congregation into an emotional frenzy.  Suddenly, a young boy, maybe 17 years of age, began marching back and forth across the front of the church, moving mechanically and making grunting noises.  The entire assembly began praising, believing this to be a manifestation of the Holy Spirit.  I looked at my wife and said, “Isn’t anyone going to do something?”  She replied, “They think it’s the Holy Spirit.”  I said, “But we are just visiting here.”  My wife said, “They are not going to do anything.”  With that, I became inwardly furious at the mockery that demon was making of this unlearned assembly.  With my hand covering my mouth, and speaking from virtually the back pew in the church, looking at the young man but speaking to the demon, I whispered, “Shut up, and sit down.”  Immediately, that boy collapsed to the floor as though he had been hit with a sledge hammer.  He did not make another noise for the rest of the service. 
Power had been exercised over that demonic spirit.

The working of power is a gift that is exercised either by touch or by words, or both, as we have seen in these illustrations in Scripture and from personal experience.  Words which declare the existence of a condition that does not currently exist is a common manner of exercising this gift.  I recently heard a recording of Kenneth Hagin sharing a personal testimony of something that happened in his life over 20 years ago.  He spent the day with a family whose mother was insane (but not violent).  All day long she spoke nonsense and was clearly not in her right mind.  At the end of the day, she looked at Rev. Hagin and said with clarity, “Will I ever get better.”  Rev. Hagin said he instantly knew that she would and he declared to her, “Yes, you will.”  Three days later she just came out of her insanity and was completely normal.  The spirits that had her mind bound were gone.  They had to leave in order for the command of power to be fulfilled in her life.

Though the working of power is used predominantly in the realm of casting out demons; it is effective in any application where power is needed.  For example, a person with a sickness needs to be healed; but a person with one leg shorter than another needs a miracle.  I have had the joy of speaking to the short legs of scores of people and commanding them to come out to their proper length, watched as the short legs grew instantly.  One who is born deaf does not need healing.  He needs a miracle.  One who is lame does not need healing.  He needs a miracle.

Next week:  The “trigger” of the working of power.

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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