Sunday, October 11, 2015

THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT – XVII - (The Working of Miracles - II)




1 Corinthians 12:10   To another the working of miracles…

Review:  We have seen over the last few posts that the gospel was absolutely intended to be communicated not just in word, but in demonstration of power; specifically with healings and casting out of demons.  The gospel message is not a religious philosophy to be believed; but a command to repent, with an explanation of the divine rescue plan executed in Yahushua Messiah that enables man to change allegiance from one kingdom to another.  Healing the sick and casting out demons is a demonstration of the authority of the Kingdom that men are commanded to obey.  It is the proof that such a transition of kingdoms is possible; and it opens the door to that Kingdom for them by making the Kingdom “draw nigh/near” the people who witness its power in operation. The power gifts of the Spirit are the workhorse of the church of Yahushua, constantly demonstrating the supremacy of the Kingdom of Heaven, constantly bringing the Kingdom near to those who need to gain entrance to it.

We also have mentioned throughout this study on the gifts of the Spirit that most of the gifts have a “trigger,” some essential characteristic that enhances and strengthens the operation of the gifts.  We have discussed that the trigger for the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom is the fear of IAUE.  Love is the trigger for the gift of faith.  Compassion is the trigger for the gifts of healing.  So, what is the trigger for the gift of the working of power (miracles)?

Do you remember what Paul told the Corinthian disciples?

1 Corinthians 2:1 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of IAUE.
2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Yahushua Messiah, and him crucified.
3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling.
4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power(dunamis): 
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power (dunamis) of IAUE.

Most who read this passage of Scripture never make the connection between Paul’s weakness, fear and trembling with the demonstration of the Spirit and power of IAUE in Paul’s preaching, the signs and wonders that accompanied his presentation of the gospel.  Note his reference to determining to know only “Yahushua Messiah, and him crucified.”  Later in his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul said:

2 Corinthians 13:3 Since ye seek a proof of Messiah speaking in me, which to you-ward is not weak, but is mighty (dunateo – full of dunamis/power) in you.
4 For though he was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power (dunamis) of IAUE. For we also are weak in him, but we shall live with him by the power (dunamis) of IAUE toward you.

This weakness (astheneo – weakness, lacking in strength, to be powerless) is the antithesis of power.  Paul understood that there was only one real obstacle to the power of IAUE operating freely through him, and that obstacle was him.  To the degree that Paul regarded himself capable, the ability/power of IAUE was restrained.  To the degree that Paul had confidence in himself, or drew attention to himself, the power of IAUE was diminished.  The strength/ability of man and the power of IAUE are diametrically opposed to each other.  The manifestation of the power of IAUE is directly proportional to the weakness of man.

The apostle makes this truth abundantly clear as he shares his personal testimony with the Corinthian disciples.

2 Corinthians 12:7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
8 Three times I besought the Master about this, that it should leave me; 
9 but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power (dunamis) is made perfect in weakness.” I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power(dunamis) of Messiah may rest upon me. 
10 For the sake of Messiah, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong (dunatos - powerful).

[Before we can discuss this passage, I believe we need first to deal with the issue of Paul’s thorn in the flesh, because it “appears” to be in conflict with aspects of the redemption in Messiah Yahushua that are provided to us through the shed blood of Messiah. First, it is undeniable that to Paul was given greater revelation and insight into the Truth than any man alive in his day. Also, that signs and wonders worked freely through his ministry was evident.  Paul also explained the purity of his Hebrew upbringing as a Pharisee (Philippians 3:4-6) and that he was taught the law by Gamaliel himself (Acts 22:3). If any man had reason to think highly of himself, it was Paul.  When the Scripture says to him was given a “thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan sent to buffet him,” it does not mean Paul had a demon or that he had some physical infirmity.  A “thorn in the flesh” is the term that is used in the Old Testament to describe the peoples (Gibeonites, Jebusites, and certain of the Canaanites) that the children of Israel did not destroy when they took their tribal possessions within the promised land.  These peoples became a nuisance and a constant source of trouble (thorns in their flesh and pricks in their eyes). These heathen peoples do represent demonic spirits; but this passage says they were sent to “buffet” Paul.  This word “buffet” (kolaphidzo) literally means “to strike with the fist.”  Virtually everywhere Paul went to spread the gospel he was struck with the fist, beaten, stoned, whipped, etc.  This demonic spirit followed him everywhere constantly enticing the locals to physically abuse Paul.  When Paul thrice entreated Messiah to remove this “thorn in the flesh,” the answer he received was that his grace was sufficient…the power that was given to Paul that enabled him to do the Master’s will was enough.  The attacks on his flesh, on his body, only made the power of IAUE greater in his life.  The thorn in the flesh was only creating the opposite effect in the life and ministry of the apostle from that which was desired by the demon. In essence, the demon was being “used” by the Master to magnify the gospel through Paul.  The Master assured Paul that his grace would carry him through the hardships he encountered.]

Power is made perfect through weakness.

Weakness is the trigger of the gift of the working of power.  This is a major reason why the power of IAUE is so seldom evidenced in Christian churches around the world.  Most churches are actively involved in doing one of two things:  1) Supporting the ministry of some dynamic personality, making him out to be something special or important.  People drive hundreds of miles or fly across the country just to be in their services to sit in the presence of these preachers.  2) Maintaining the day to day operation of traditional churches.  These are focused on having enough people in attendance to contribute in the offering plates sufficient monies to keep the churches functioning…paying for their various budget items.  In both circumstances, there is no weakness, no fear, no trembling before IAUE out of concern that their flesh might seek attention for even a moment.

In my personal experience, every single time I have been asked to speak, or even just to prepare for a regular weekly Bible study I was teaching; and the Holy Spirit refused to talk to me, to give me His leading as to what I should teach, or even to give me a topic to present (using my already-obtained knowledge of the subject), I approached the actual moment of having to make my presentation with such weakness and helplessness, because I knew that I had absolutely nothing to say.  In those times, His power was always more greatly manifested. His anointing was always the strongest.  They were also the most uncomfortable times in my life because I was totally out of control. I had absolutely nothing to offer.  I was weak; but when I was weak, His power was strong.

Many years ago in Argentina, a girl named Annie was dramatically delivered of evil spirits and was transformed into a new creature in Messiah.  Messiah explained in the Scriptures that the one who is forgiven much, loves much.  This girl was so grateful for her deliverance that she spent her days in prayer, pressing into the presence of the one who had captured her heart.  She explained that it would often take three hours before being escorted into His presence; and once there, IAUE would give her visions and revelations; which she was instructed to record in a diary.  She became well known both for the dramatic deliverance she received as well as for the regular visions and revelations IAUE had given to her.  She was invited to speak in churches and to share her visions fairly often.  One day she was invited to be the guest speaker at a large youth conference.  In preparation for that event, IAUE asked her if she would like to see His greatest power.  Of course she said, “Yes,” and then in a vision He escorted her down a trail, and shortly they came upon a large vat with steam bubbling from the top and the ground was shaking around it.  She though surely this must be His greatest power; but the Father ignored it and continued to walk her down the trail.  They then came upon a large vat that was covered with storm clouds, and lighting and thunder caused it to appear ominous and threatening, and she thought again, “This must it.”  Still, the Father continued to walk past until they came up to a vat that had absolutely no activity visible around it at all; and IAUE said, “This is it.  This is my greatest power.”  It was labeled “Weakness.”  Annie did not understand the vision at all…until the night of the event.

When she was introduced, she still had not received any direction from IAUE as to which vision to share with this crowded hall of young people.  She took the podium and thought of a vision she would share, but got a strong, “No,” from the Holy Spirit.  Still another vision came to mind to share with the people, and again, the Spirit told her, “No.”  Standing in silence in front of all these people who had come to hear of the visions of Annie, she knew she could say nothing at all for nothing was given to her to speak.  Annie broke, and began to weep in front of the crowd.  Suddenly, the Holy Spirit began sweeping through the audience, healing many, causing demons to flee from many, others were born again, others were filled with the Spirit.  The place was absolutely overwhelmed by the power of IAUE, which was released through the weakness of this one who refused to draw upon any strength within herself for the occasion.

Do you recall what we called the first lesson in discipleship?  “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart.”  This lesson is not just a means of making us the kind of disciple Messiah wants us to become; it is also to incline our hearts to weakness so His power can be made perfect within us.

Philippians 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship IAUE in the spirit, and rejoice in Messiah Yahushua, and have no confidence in the flesh
10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

It isn’t US who casts out demons, or performs miraculous things.  These are manifestations of the power of the Spirit of holiness within us.  That power is released in direct proportion to our laying our lives down that the life of Messiah might be lived through us.  The gift of the working of power may be found freely in living sacrifices (Rom 12:1-2).  When we abide in Messiah and he abides in us, and we allow HIM to live through us, that is when we are weak, and he is strong.

Next week:  The gift of prophecy

Kingdom heart: a heart that offers no resistance to the performance of the will of IAUE.

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